"He was poisoned." Jin said sulking a bit

"And it was the king himself. Who else's would of poisoned him?" Junichiro said frowning a bit "can you believe he only got suspended from school for two weeks? Dam it! He could of killed the guy!"

"Do you guys really think he really poisoned him?" You asked still sitting on the stool near the small sink.

The two boys looked at you for a minute, then looked back to there work.


All at once

All your worries were dug back up and dropped into your arms

Could I look at him the same again?

Would he even want to talk about it?

Would he hurt me next?

"Hey." Jin said getting off the stool to pat you shoulder. It seemed he wanted to tell you something but decided maybe not. "Just watch out, ok?"

Just watch out

Stay away from him, don't upset him

It all sounds the same

What the hell am I supposed to do?

Your fists clenched as a small fire that was blown out long ago was lit once again

I can protect myself

But yet it had no fuel to burn any greater


The class was over and the three of you walked together out of class. Before you knew it they had to go separate ways and it was only you. You walked down the halls to get to the gate. When you got to the lockers you saw that a tall figure was waiting near the gate. Kisho. You walked backwards and back into the building.

There was no where to go, but you really did not want to see him at the moment. You walked around looking for something to do, or somewhere to go.You just diden't want to get hurt, and to be quite honest your paranoia took charge.

Was Yukio here? Would he be in the drama room?

You continued to walk down the hall. You tried to open the drama room, though it was locked shut. You knocked twice and tried to see if he was there.

"Y-Yukio? Are you there? Mind if I can hang with you for a while?" You asked

Faintly you heard a sound of rummaging.

"Suki? Are you there? It's me," you said

There was more moving before there was a huge thump. Like something heavy had hit the floor and fell everywhere. Your ear was close to the door as you tried to hear if eather of them where there. Quickly the door opened and you almost fell, but caught yourself. You felt really embarrassed the tint of pink dusted your face.

When you looked up you saw an unfamiliar mop of messy brown hair and big green eyes. He was a little taller than you and had a warm jacket on.

"Ah! Oh I'm sorry. I-I was sure this was Yukio's drama room." You said nervously

"'His drama room', is that what he calls it?" The boy said putting a finger on his chin

-Sickly-Sweet- Yandere boys × (f)reader- Cancelled Where stories live. Discover now