Chapter eleven

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Brian's POV

Business was going smoothly even though my life was in a mess right now but that was besides the point.
I haven't heard from Cindy in a long while and it was taking a toll on me.
Honestly what kind of a boyfriend was I? I never bothered to ask her for her number, since we practically lived in the same house. I didn't even know if she had a phone, God I was really the worst.
I'm wondering what she thinks of me now.
Did she hate me? Had she met someone new? All these questions were racing in my mind.
I heard a knock on my hotel room door and walked towards the door to find out who it was.

Cindy's POV
My morning sickness was getting worse and I was having a hard time hiding it from my mum.
Life went back to the boring old days before I met Brian. The only difference was, I was now pregnant.
Through it all, Janet has been very supportive and has helped me hide my secret.
But I knew I couldn't keep this a secret forever as at the very least, I'll start showing in about two months time.
I was getting tired after doing little things and I was scared my secret would be revealed soon. But little did I know it was going to be much sooner...

(Two months later)
It's being two months.
Brian wasn't back, and I was getting really worried. Either something bad had happened to him or perhaps, he didn't like me like he had assured me after all.
My baby bump was showing a little and I didn't know how to feel about it.
The sad part was, I haven't been to the hospital since I found I was with child, and I don't even know if the baby was healthy.
I hoped he or she was with all my heart.
I was cleaning the living area, when I suddenly felt like the world was spinning and everything went black....

I realized I was in the hospital before I could open my eyes. Perhaps, it had something to do with the smell of the detergents and antiseptic that filled my nostrils.
I finally managed to open my heavy eyelids, still slightly disoriented.
I was alone when I looked around the white room and to be honest, I was praying and hoping that it was Janet that had brought me here.
I started to panic, but calmed down afterwards. She was definitely the one.
It had to be her.
The old lady had a lot on her mind and I didn't want her getting sick.

I froze for a second when I saw Thelma and Lisa walk into the room. "God, this can't be happening." I thought to myself.
Of all the people in the world, in the house... it had to be these two who found me.
I quickly tried to stand up but my legs failed me and I fell back onto the bed.
Thelma looked at me like I was the most disgusting thing she had ever laid eyes on.
As for Lisa, she looked unconcerned. I really hoped they wouldn't ask me any questions.
"So you're pregnant." Lisa said, stating the obvious.
"You whore, I hope you didn't plan to pin this on Brian."
She came close, "You thought you could sleep around, and later pin it on someone else, just because you want money, Gold digger." Thelma spat out.
I was shocked and lost of words, but to be honest, I wasn't expecting anything good from her anyways. She hated my guts, so that was expected.
She later walked out leaving me and Lisa in the room.
"I don't know who is responsible for this, but I hope you don't try pinning it on my brother, else I'll come for you. The doctor said something about you needing rest and I already paid for the bills." She started to leave but then paused. "Oh, and you've been discharged." Lisa concluded, walking out after her rant, not waiting for a reply.
I got up this time with no stress and gathered my stuff and walked out of the hospital room.

Lisa and Thelma walked out of Lisa's room ready to go shopping. "Have you heard from your brother?" Thelma asked.
"Yeah, I heard from him once since he left, why do you ask?"
"Nothing. I just wanted to know if he was doing okay." Thelma answered trying to give off an unconcerned vibe.
They both walked into the living area, and the first thing they both noticed was someone lying on the floor. They both looked at each other, confused and rushed towards the body.
When Thelma noticed who it was, she tried to walk away but Lisa held her back. "Where are you going, we need to help her." Lisa tried to reason with her.
"Well no, I'm not helping that girl even if my life depends on it." She spat at her friend causing the young woman to sigh. "Look,Thelma I know you hate her but she's a human being for crying out loud, let's take her to the hospital." Lisa reasoned.
Thelma rolled her eyes and helped Lisa anyways.
They both rushed Cindy to the car, their shopping plan long forgotten.

The doctor called them both to his office and asked them to sit. "The patient is doing alright and so is the baby." The doctor said.
The two women looked at each other on shock but continued to listen to what the man had to say.
They walked towards Cindy's ward in silence after their meeting with the doctor, and Thelma honestly looked like she was ready to murder someone.
She wanted Brian for herself and didn't want anyone to ruin that plan for her.
She knew just what she had to do....

Back to present
I got home very nervous, with this feeling in my stomach that something bad was going to happen. And God, was I right...
Immediately I got to the house one of the maids; Hope was waiting for me outside. "Madam would like to speak to you." She said with a knowing smirk on her face. I nodded in thanks and headed for the hall where I knew she'd be waiting. I walked slowly wishing the floor would just swallow me up.
Mrs. Smith, Lisa and Thelma were seated when I approached the hall. My heart skipped a beat when I saw my mum standing in front of them with her head bowed.
Everyone looked up when I made my presence known.
"I heard you're trying to pin a pregnancy on my son?" Mrs. Smith asked calmly diving straight into the issue.
"Ma'am I'm not..."
"Okay, then who is responsible for this?" She asked, pointing at my still flat tummy.
I stay quiet, sneaking a look at my mum, who stared back at me in shock and disbelief.
I understood her though, in her mind I was this perfect daughter she had who had not even kissed a boy before.
I was even shocked she hasn't had a heart attack yet.
"I'm waiting for your reply." Mrs. Smith said bringing me out of my thoughts.
"It's Brian." that was all I said.
The already quiet room became more tensed.
"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!, I WANT YOU OUT OF THIS PLACE BY TOMORROW, YOU'RE FIRED." The woman screamed in my face as I stood staring at her in shock.

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