Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter Twenty-five
Cindy's POV

We had been discharged the following day just as the nurse had promised.

A week had passed by since then.

Everything was going great and I couldn't be much happier. Mum had come by a couple of times, and that helped a lot since I had to go to work and Kayla needed someone to be by her side while she had that long week rest the doctor had prescribed for her along with her medications.

I woke up early as usual, my heart giddy with that usual thrill of knowing I was going to work, but when I stepped into my bathroom for a quick shower, a quick look at my calendar revealed that I had it all wrong. It was Sunday.

I'm pretty sure the loud groan of frustration I let out woke up the entire neighborhood, but then again, I always loved exaggerating so I wasn't really sure.

Why in the hell had I woken up early then?

It was too late for church... seeing as I wasn't ready physically and mentally, and being one of those people who could never go to bed once they were awake, I knew that there was no way I was going back to sleep, and so I quickly took my bath and headed to the kitchen, to get started on lunch.

Sam had promised to take Kayla to a new amusement park that was opening up around his workplace. She was so excited that I was happy my baby was back to herself again, and it was the reason why I was making a little picnic for them, so they would have something to eat, because I had a few errands to run, and I wasn't going to go with them as a result of that.

"Morning mummy,"

"Hey, Kay... morning love, how are you doing? Feeling better today?"

"Yes, mum." I could see her craning her neck in curiosity. "What are you doing?"

"Making lunch for you and uncle Sam." I replied.

"Can I help?"

"Of course."

We spent the next two hours bonding over our preparations, and then not long after everything was done, Sam came for her and I went on my errands.


The next day, our morning commenced with a good start, we both woke up on time and l I was impressed at how well Kayla prepared for school with little help from me.

I dropped my little angel at school and drove off to my office.

I noticed something weird as I arrived at the office premises and exited my car, making my way over to the entrance.

The security man wasn't at his post and that was very unusual of him since he took his job very seriously. As I got closer, I started to hear commotion coming from inside. To be frank, for a while I was confused and curious. I didn't really understand what could be happening in there as early as eight in the morning.

Hurriedly opening the door, the first person my gaze met was the last person I ever thought I would meet in my company.

Thelma freaking Newton.

There stood Thelma Newton in all her annoying glory, frantically screaming her lungs out at my terrified employees.

What was she doing here anyways?

"Ma'am we need your help." My secretary approached me as she saw me come through the door, whispering as she came close, her face showing all her frustration.

"I will deal it with, try to control the crowd, its too early for all this."

She nodded and went off to do as I had ordered, and then I got close to the source of all the commotion.

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