Chapter ten

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Cindy's POV

"It's been 10 days... 10 days since the last time I saw Brian, and my life has being miserable since. I came back from the mall with Janet expecting to see him, since it was the weekend but he wasn't around.

The worst thing was, I didn't know who to ask since all the people who might know Brian's whereabouts were people I couldn't directly speak to.

I tried gathering enough confidence to ask Lisa but I kept thinking about everything that could go wrong if I asked her. I mean, no one knew we were a thing and Lisa and Thelma were best friends so my guess is she hates me too. She hasn't directly been rude to me but she plain out ignores my very existence so I wasn't taking any chances.

Today was Monday and the house was functioning as usual. All the maids were doing their jobs and Janet and I had been asked to clean the rooms of all the occupants in the house; Mr. and Mrs. Smith's, Lisa's, Thelma's and Brian's.

Janet decided she was going to do the two girls' rooms for my sake so I had to take care of the adults' and Brian's rooms

Mr. and Mrs. Smith's room was done and I headed to Brian's.

Upon entering the room memories from before all rushed back in and I became sad all over again. I seriously didn't know what to think anymore. I've being beating myself about this, thinking perhaps, he was intentionally avoiding me.

His bed was still unmade, so maybe he was at home all along and was avoiding me. I thought as my heart began to hurt. "Was I so bad that he had to avoid me like the plague?" I started to tear up while continuing with my work.

I was done and my face had been wiped clean with no trace of tears whatsoever. I walked into the kitchen and the smell of food made me want to throw up immediately so, I rushed out of the room, running towards the closest bathroom and puked my guts out. It wasn't much since I haven't been able to eat regularly since I had discovered that Brian had been avoiding me.

I washed my mouth and walked out of the bath room. I didn't really think much about it since this wasn't the first time I was throwing up. I just attributed it to stress since it had been a reason one time when I had been rushed to the hospital for the same symptoms.

I walked back to the kitchen, and even though the smell of food was still very unpleasant to me, the urge to puke was gone and for that, I was very thankful. "Good morning." I greeted when I spotted my mum at the counter dishing food out of a saucepan.

"Good morning dear, how was your night? I hope you slept well." She asked with a smile on her face. "Yes ma, I'm good and I had a great night." Janet joined us and gave me a side hug after greeting my mum.

We worked in silence, setting the table and bringing in breakfast.

Janet and I went to her room since she wanted to have some time with me.

"How are you handling everything?" Janet asked with concern, sitting on her bed.

I shrugged. "I don't really know... I'm good I guess. I honestly don't want to jump into conclusions yet, so I'm hoping I see him very soon." I replied quietly, sitting beside Janet as she smiled sadly at me and tried to change the conversation. I didn't hear what she said for at that moment, a strong urge to vomit hit me. I quickly walked out of her room towards the bathroom, Janet closely in tow watching as I puked my guts out for the second time in an hour. I tiredly rinsed my mouth and turned to Janet, my chest heaving. "Don't even say anything, because I know what you're thinking and I'm pretty sure that's not what's happening here." I breathed out before she could say a word, but that didn't stop her.

"Cindy what were you thinking? You're definitely pregnant! Don't tell me you guys didn't use protection." Janet inquired worriedly but I stubbornly tried to assure her and myself. "Look, Janet... I know I've being vomiting for days now and I don't know but it could be a... a- a stomach problem or- or even a manifestation of stress, you know how stressed out I've been lately." I explained lamely... if Janet noticed, she made no mention of it. All she said was, "Well, let's hope it's one of those, because I don't think this is going to end well if the Smith's and your mum find out it's pregnancy."

"I know.. what about me? I'm definitely not ready to be a mother, and I'm very sure the same applies to Brian." I stated frantically with tears running down my face.

"Cindy calm down, I know this is a very unexpected situation but let's be sure before we jump into any conclusions. And remember, I going to be with you every step of the way." She consoled, wiping my tears and giving me a big hug.

I was in the washroom at the pharmacy ready to use the pregnancy test kit. Janet was waiting at the other side of the door, seeing how anxious I was, she wanted to give me a little space but still be as close as she could be. I quickly read the manual and followed all the steps. It said I had to wait for five minutes. (The longest five minutes of my life).

I said a little prayer hoping the heavens will hear me out and then I took a deep breath and checked the stick. I saw two red lines and I froze for a second.

Oh God. This couldn't be happening. I whispered to myself as I slid down to the ground and begun to cry. I had all these scenarios of how my life was going to turn out from then onwards but a part of me had hoped to come out of this unscathed with my lessons learnt and to be honest, I wasn't expecting the worst. I didn't know how Janet was able to get in since I had locked the door but I felt her engulf me in a hug

I cried for God knows how long and finally put myself together. I walked out with Janet and we headed home in silence.

Mum was in the kitchen when we walked in. "Where have you guys been?"

"Ermm Auntie we were in my room." Janet answered nervously.

My mum looked at us suspiciously but she surprisingly didn't say a word and returned to preparing dinner. We both sighed with relief and went to help.

The day came to an end with no sign of Brian and the worst part was that, I didn't even own a phone and I don't have his number. Mum and I returned to our quarters, washed up and went to bed, but I couldn't sleep.

I kept tossing and turning thinking about the baby and what was going to happen to us. I was a maid and I wasn't getting paid enough to even rent a place let alone take care of another human being and let's not talk about the fact that I was only eighteen. I stayed awake for more than three hours thinking about what to do with myself....

Next morning: 5:30am

I vomited until I had nothing left to get out of my system. This was my second trip to the bathroom and I already knew this wasn't going to be a great day for me. I brushed my teeth again and quickly showered, ready for what the day had to offer.


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