Chapter three

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Cindy's POV

It's been two days since the Smiths arrived and Brian has being doing everything in his power to talk to me, but I have been avoiding him like the plague.

I was in the laundry room this morning when he walked in holding a pair of trousers "Ermm I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here... I just uh- wanted to bring this, you forgot to take it, I think". He said.

"Sorry sir I didn't see it then." I replied timidly.

He came close. "Can you stop calling me sir already, I feel so old. Just Brian is okay." He said with a smile. We stood there awkwardly for a full minute without saying anything to each other, I could feel his eyes on me even as I stared at floor like my life depended on it, wishing it would just swallow me up. I don't know but there was just something about him that got me all flustered up when he was around.

"I think I will get to work then." I said hoping he would just leave.

He nodded and got out just like that, without another word. I mean... that's what I wanted but I was a little sad as I stared at his back. I quickly returned to the task at hand...

Janet and I were setting the table for lunch.

"So I saw a certain someone in the laundry room with you." Janet teased with a gleam in her eyes. "What were you guys up to? I hope I'm not going to be an aunt soon."

I looked at her, my eyes wide. "What do you mean by that?"

Janet laughed as she saw my reaction. "Calm down, I was just joking." She replied.

"Please stop with the jokes, it's honestly not funny anymore." I said in anger. "You and I know that nothing is going to happen between Brian and me."

By now Janet was laughing her ass off. "See who is on first name bases with the boss."

I rolled my eyes. This was what annoyed me about Janet, she was unrelenting when it came to teasing, and though it was fun to watch when she was teasing someone else, it wasn't when I was the target. "He asked me to call him Brian." I started, trailing off as u saw Mrs. Smith and her daughter descending the stairs. They both sat down at the table, not sparing Janet or I a glance.

We left quickly to the kitchen as we had forgotten to bring the jar of orange juice, they usually drank every morning. Upon reaching the kitchen, I offered to send the jar instead and quickly walked back to the dining table, but unfortunately, I didn't make it to my destination.

Brian came out of nowhere and bumped into me resulting in me dropping the jar. We both stared at the broken jar for few seconds before I quickly got down on my knees and began picking the pieces.

I dropped everything when I felt a sharp pain in my palm. I hissed quietly, but Brian heard me noticing the blood and he immediately took my hand in his. He inspected the wound gently and guided me back to the kitchen.

My mum was surprised when we entered." Cindy! what happened?" "Mum it's nothing I accidentally dropped the jar and began to pick up the pieces and I hurt myself it's nothing".

"What do you mean its nothing, you're bleeding pretty bad and even though I'm not a doctor I know you need stitches." Bryan said angrily.

Just then Janet entered the kitchen and you could see that she was surprised but that quickly changed when she noticed how close Brian and I were and the fact that my blood was all over the place. "Sir, please madam asked me to let you know that the family is waiting" Janet said, after worriedly observing me for a moment.

"Tell her I'll be skipping lunch, I'm taking Cindy to the hospital." He turned to my mum. "Hope that's okay with you, Miss Mariam". He asked.

Mum nodded still worried about my bleeding. Janet walked out to tell Mrs. Smith the news. "Okay then let's go" Brain said as he wrapped a paper towel around the wound to reduce the bleeding.

The ride to the hospital was a quick and quiet one. We went to the emergency ward. I was directed to a room were the nurse disinfected the wound and stitched it up, she then wrapped it carefully in a bandage...

I met Brian at the waiting room, he didn't notice me immediately so I had to tap him on the shoulder. He raised his head and stared at me, when he realized that it was me, he stood up and began inspecting the now wrapped wound.

"Okay, let's go grab something to eat". Brian suggested.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked shocked at my braveness. Janet was getting to my head.

Brian shrugged. "Well, if that's what you want it to be the then yes, it's a date." he replied with a smile.

"Let's go then." I replied, trying to look like I wasn't affected by his hand on my back as he lead us out of the hospital.

He drove us to a very expensive restaurant that I had no idea existed, and that's when I realized I was still in my maid uniform. Brian got out of the car and walked to my side to open the door. When he opened the door and I was still sitting down, he looked at me confused. " Are you second guessing our little date Cindy?" "Ermm, actually I'm not dressed up for this, and you're technically my boss so, we shouldn't be going on dates." His face dropped at my comment.

"You know, I think you still look nice in what you're wearing but if it makes you feel better, we can eat in the car. I'll just go and get us something, I'll be right back".

He said and walked towards the restaurant and went to the counter to order. I looked around the car, and decided to turn radio since I had nothing to do. "Lose you to love me" by Selena Gomez was playing. I lowered the volume so I would know if Brian was coming back, getting into the music until I heard a phone ringing. It was definitely Brian's since I didn't have a phone. I contemplated on answering the phone but decided against it, changing my mind when it began to ring again. What if it was an emergency? I reasoned.

"Hello?" I called out when I picked up. "Brian baby, why didn't you tell me you were back?" I heard a voice whine and I cringed immediately, beginning to regret my decision. "Please this is not Brian it's..."

"Who are you and what are you doing with my boyfriend's phone?" The voice cut me off rudely.

"I uh....Sorry, I'm just the maid I... Sir Brian isn't around at the moment, I'll let him know you called. " I stated politely, deciding to be the better person.

"Whatever." She brushed me off and ended the call. I gently placed the phone back on the seat and waited for Brian...

Brian returned with a big paper bag and a big smile on his face. He sat down and began to take the food out handing me a pack of fries and chicken. "I hope you didn't miss me too much." Brian said playfully still smiling.

I didn't but apparently, your girlfriend did... she called not too long ago." I replied with no smile on my face. I watched as the color drained from his face.

🤗 hope you liked it.
What do you think is going to happen?
Stay tuned for the next chaper..
Love you all and don't forget to vote, comment and follow me😙..

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