Chapter Twenty-One

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Brian's POV

I can't believe six years have passed already.

It feels like I'm growing old, you know? Well, I know everyone will eventually grow old and die, hell nature itself has made it that way, but what I didn't expect was for time to fly by so fast.

Life in London isn't so bad, I'm actually liking it more and more here each day, and I'm quite uncertain as to whether I'd even be going back to Ghana at all.

Maybe to visit, cos this place is starting to feel like home.

I don't have anything holding me back there after all, you know?

My impromptu trip to Ghana in search of Cindy six years ago still continues to haunt me even as we speak.

In fact, that incident had been the major thing to make me decide to move indefinitely to the UK.

Believe me when I tell you that I tried everything I could to find her after the dead end at the hospital.


Private investigators, police complaints, you name it, they all proved futile.

My parents were of no use. Dad was barely home as it was, and mum hated Cindy's guts.

My sister was another lost cause.

After some time, I just resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to find her, and went back to  UK. It wasn’t an easy task to look for a someone in such a big city like Accra, especially if said person seemed to not want to be found.

Oh, Rosaline had been very suspicious when she heard that I had left for Ghana impromptu without bothering to tell her or say goodbye at least, but that issue had been resolved pretty quickly. I just told her it was business related and had been very urgent. To be honest, till this day, I don't know if she bought my lie, but, she never asked about it again, so she probably did.  

We’re still together, going strong.

She has been an amazing woman, and I know I adore her so much…

I lay the prospects on the table.

Made it explicitly clear to her that I could never fall in love with her, and that if she wanted marriage and all that came with it, I'd completely understand her leaving.

She still stayed with me, bless that woman.

Six years of being in this exclusive relationship, and we're still together.

How I got so lucky, I have no fucking idea.

Today was our 6th anniversary of being together, and Rosaline being the usual cunning vixen she was, has promised a very special surprise for me.

I'm honestly looking forward to it.

I was currently at work, getting ready to leave the office for home.

After finalizing a few proposals with my P.A, I packed up and walked out of the office building towards my car.

Reaching into my jacket for my car keys, I paused mid stride suddenly.

Someone called my name.

I turned and came face to face with…


Remember my sister's so called best friend, who had also been my girlfriend for a very short time?

Yes, that Thelma.

What the fu*k was she doing here?

“Hey Thelma, what are you doing here? How are you?” I asked instead, my voice a surprisingly pleasant contrast from the voice in my head.

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