Chapter Twenty-four

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“Rosa! You coming? We’re running late! I hollered down the hallway, glancing at my watch in frustration. Honestly, what was it with women and being late all the time? We were just going to see the obstetrician for fuck’s sake.

“Geez Brian,” Rosaline huffed, hopping towards me and trying to slip on her heels in the process. “You’d think you’re the pregnant one here, come on, let lose.” She teased playfully, but I paid her no mind, my eyes focusing on the long strappy things she was wearing. “Are you sure you should be wearing those though?”

She shot me a pointed look. “You do know I’m only pregnant, not invalid, right?” She inched close to me, planting a light kiss on my lips. “I’m really glad you’re all in with me, Brian,”

“I’m really glad I am too, Rosa.” I admitted softly with a smile, pulling her in for another kiss. “Come on, let’s not keep the doctor waiting.”

We settled into comfortable silence as I drove us to the clinic. I for one was suddenly feeling the excitement of being a father now. Hell, just yesterday, I got the cutest pair of clothes from an expensive boutique downtown for the little champ. I had been pretty hesitant at first, but the kind attendant seemed to know what she was about. She could see that I was in a dilemma and really wanted to help out, so she recommended I get unisex clothing instead, so that that way I wouldn’t have to worry about the sex.

Rosa had laughed so hard when she saw the clothes, teasing me and all about how it wasn’t even the time to start worrying about that yet, and for the first time in a long time, I had actually felt happy to be home, just bickering and laughing and talking with her about our plans for the future. I could actually see us doing the together thing for the sake of the young one, it wasn’t really going to be so difficult anymore.

“What do you think the sex is going to be, Brian?” Rosaline called out softly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I shot her a brief glance, my eyes light in amusement as I pondered over her question. “Honestly, twins wouldn’t be that bad, you know?” I teased, chuckling at the horrified look on her face. “I can’t choose so we must as well just have both sexes at once instead.”

The smack against my arm came before I could even react. “Are you crazy?!” The poor woman screeched, causing me to laugh harder. “What’s wrong with twins?” I asked.

“Oh, aside the fact that one baby is quite a handful, meaning two would be two times the work?”

“We can handle two babies.” I told her confidently.

“Of course you can, you’re not going to be the one pushing them out of vagina, are you? Would they cry for your boobs at night? No, it’s mine they’ll be crying for—”

“Woah, easy, easy, Rosa. I was just teasing. You know that right?” I asked in alarm as I pulled into the hospital car park.

“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” She confessed sheepishly. “I think the hormones are starting.”

We both laughed at that.

“I honestly don’t care about the sex of the child, Rosa,” I told her softly after turning of the engine. “I’m going to love them anyway, I just want them to be healthy and have the best they can ever wish for—”

I was cut off by the impact of her hug. “Thank you Brian… thank you so much.”

I was too overwhelmed with emotion to say anything, so I just hugged her back.



I gasped at the cold feel of the gel against my belly, Brian’s hand tightening against mine in comfort at the action. The feel of the wand against my abdomen felt slightly uncomfortable but I barely noticed, my eyes fixed on the ashy screen as I tried to make sense of all that was happening in there. The sonographer seemed deep in concentration, her face giving no indication at all.

“Is everything okay?” Brian asked softly, his own eyes fixed on the screen.

“Everything’s fine guys. Congratulations, it’s a boy.”

Brian and I shared an excited look, laughing in amazement at the wonderful news, listening in as the attendant tried to point out the heartbeat and all the other stuff.

Brian’s excitement just warmed my heart. I knew deep within me that he was going to be such a wonderful father to our child.

Our child.

My child.

I still couldn’t believe that I was going to be a mother, it all felt so surreal.

“Doc, do you think it’s a good idea for her to wear heels? I tried to talk her out of it when we were coming here, but she wouldn’t listen.” I heard Brian say. I shot him a frustrated look.

“Tell him it’s fine, doc.” I said with a roll of my eyes. “I can’t believe you’re asking him about this, Brian… I literally told you there’s nothing wrong with it not too long ago.”

“There’s nothing wrong with asking a professional to be sure, Rosa…” He shrugged adorably, the action tugging very hard on my heartstrings. I was falling for him…


You know, we had always an agreement, Brian and I; I always knew not to expect much from him… he had told me countless times that we were just in a no-strings attached relationship after all, and up until now, I’d been okay with it, but now?

I wasn’t so sure. 

Could I get him to fall in love with me?

Was it something that could be a possibility at all?

I guess only time will tell.

“So is there any medication she should be on now?” I heard Brian ask.

God, this man.

“Yeah, about that… The doctor will take care of everything else and tell you what to do, so you don’t have to worry about that. You can dress up now, we’re all done here.”

Brian held onto my bag as we waltzed down the corridor to the doctor’s office. “How are you feeling?” He asked.

“I’m happy.” I answered simply. “Honestly, thanks for being here with me. Like you cut off work and everything, and you didn’t even have to do all of that, you know? It really means a lot to me, Brian.” I reached for his hand and squeezed slightly, a little smile gracing my features.

“What are you talking about, Rosa? It’s my child too, come on.” He moved my handbag over to his elbow and reached for both of my hands. The action would have been pretty hilarious had it not been for the serious look on his face.

“We’re in this together, Rose. We really are, and you don’t have to worry about me having second thoughts, because I’m in this. You will always have me to help you take care of our child.” His arms came around me and I relaxed into the hug thanking the stars for this beautiful mistake.

“Marry me, Rosaline.” He whispered softly.

“What?” I pulled away, my mouth wide open in surprise.

“I know this is probably not how you saw yourself getting married, but I promise you that I will give you two my all, Rosa… and even though this union is for the sake of our child, I can assure you that I care about you too. I really do Rosa, and I’ll understand if you’re not okay with it—”

“Yes Brian, yes! I’ll marry you.”


The Maid's Billionaire On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara