Chapter four

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Brian's POV

We were back from the  hospital/date which didn't go so well.
I couldn't believe Thelma had called and told Cindy she was my girlfriend.
How desperate was that girl honestly?
Now because of her, my progress with Cindy had been ruined. 
I know I didn't officially breakup with Thelma two years ago when I was in the country, but she has been Lisa's best friend for as long as I can remember and she has been throwing herself at me from the moment we were introduced to each other.
After so much pestering, I decided to give her a shot. To be honest, it was just for the sex.
But six months into the relationship, she had gotten super clingy and had began to accuse me of cheating, which wasn't true at all.
I was really tired of her antics… so much so that when my dad sent Lisa and I to the States about a week later, I gladly left without so much as a good bye and now she thinks we are still in a relationship.
I really had to clear things up with her and explain to Cindy why she had called me her boyfriend.
The sweet girl had advised me to sort things out with Thelma before we could talk real dates and that made me happy.
It meant that she liked me too just as much as I did her, and wasn’t going to be long before I made her mine.
"Where were you?" Mother asked as I climbed the stairs and tried to make my way to my room.
"Mum, I took Cindy to the hospital, she had a cut." I replied."
She glared at me. “Brian, that was 5 hours ago, and you know there are drivers who could have done that."
I didn't realised it was that late. I should have called home or something. "Mum, I caused the accident so I thought it would be more mature of me to take her to the hospital myself." I explained.
Mum and I didn't get along well… she had always said that I was too kind for my own good.
The woman thought being rude and ruthless was all it takes to be successful even though her own husband has proven otherwise.
"Brian I don't want you associating yourself with poor people, that will ruin my reputation and I don't wan...."
I cut her off. It was honestly too late to be listening to bullshit. “Mum, it's late goodnight."

I hurriedly climbed  the stairs, and walked towards my room before she could say another word.
I changed into lose shorts and jumped on my bed with a certain someone still on my mind.
Cindy what are you doing to me?

Cindy's POV
It's been a month and nothing much has been happening.
I've just been cleaning the house, helping mum in the kitchen, spending time with Janet and avoiding Brian…
which wasn't really difficult because he had started work in his father's company.
He always came back late when all the maids were done for the day so it made it much easier to avoid him.
Today was a Saturday and Mr. Smith had informed us that he would be having important visitors.
"Cindy prepare a room, my friend will be moving in today." Lisa said taking me out of my thoughts. She walked away without even waiting for a reply.
I honestly don't know what I’ve done to her, but it’s so obvious that she doesn't like me.
I got up from the kitchen stool I sat on, while lounging with Janet to go do as Lisa had asked.
"That girl needs a reality check honestly, who does she think she is?" Janet said in a disgusted tone.
"Janet! lower your voice, she can hear us." I whispered in fear.
Janet was never scared to voice out her opinion… a trait I really admired, but which got her into trouble a lot.
I walked out before she could say anything else heading upstairs to the rooms.
I reached out to open the door to the guest room when I felt a hand on my shoulders.
I jumped up in shock. “Hey, it’s just me.”
I turned to meet Brian's eyes, my hand on my chest, still in shock.
"You've been avoiding me." He accused sadly.
I felt the need to defend myself. “That's not true, I have been busy.”
"Don't give me that, I know it's because of what happened a month ago, if it makes you feel better, I broke up with her."
I looked up at him in displeasure. “Brian, you don't owe me any explanation. You can honestly do whatever you want.”
He sighed and reached for my hand.  "Cindy, you know I like you… it's very obvious. Come on… give me a chance. Let's go out on a date."
He smiled as he leaned closer, a cute smile that had me flustering up. “A real one this time.”
My heart missed a beat when he admitted he liked me, I mean, he could have any girl he wanted… with his looks and money, so why settle for a girl like me? For a maid?
"Brian you and I know that's impossible, I'm a maid and you are basically like a boss to me. Whatever you're suggesting can't happen." I replied.
"Cindy, you being a maid doesn't change the fact that you're still human and that I like you very much.”
“Please.” He begged.
“Just one date and if you still think that we shouldn't hang out, then I'll back off."
I gave it some thought and then nodded in agreement. “Give some time to think about it.” I whispered and then opened the door to the room I was supposed to be cleaning, quickly closing it behind me.

It was six in the evening when the visitors arrived.
Janet and I were at the entrance ready to welcome them.  A middle aged couple  got out from the back closely followed by a beautiful young woman about my age. 
"Welcome sir, madam." We greeted.
They both smiled kindly and removed their coats, which they handed to us. The young woman just walked past us as though we didn't exist.
Janet was about to say something but I was quick to subtly kick her in the shin. She stared at me with wide eyes, then scowled at me. I have her a bored look and watched as the scowl slowly turned into a sheepish smile.
The couple headed for the hall and we were practically free to leave once we had hanged their coats.
I felt Janet reach for my hand. “Thanks for saving my ass back there.”
I smiled. “What are best friends for?” We both laughed and headed to the kitchen  to eat.
I sat down at our table after I had dished my dinner of rice and chicken stew, and cleared my throat uneasily after a moment of eating.
Janet looked up at me, her piercing eyes quickly accessing my behavior. Her eyebrows shot up. “You want to tell me something. Spill. Now.”
I sighed. I was going to tell her anyway. "Uhh, nothing really, Janet... it’s just that Brian asked me out on a date." I whispered  rapidly, waiting for her reaction. The dramatic girl took her time in processing the information, and then she screamed. "Yes! At last, it took way too long."
I was shocked. “Janet!” I whispered, not wanting anyone to hear us.
“Oh God I’m so happy for you, but just know that I’m the one who’s going to be dressing you up.” She squealed, excitedly  ignoring my plea to lower her voice.
We quickly finished our meal, and hurried to go clear the main dining area. We were very sure they had finished by now.
Brian was still at the dining hall when we arrived, and he didn't look pleased at all. "Sir, we came to clear the table." Janet said. But he laid her no attention. Instead, his eyes were fixed on me.
“Cindy, can I have a word with you?" Brian said as he walked out of the room.
I glanced at Cindy and followed him, a little confused. 
He went straight to the point. “Cindy, I need your help.”
I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.
"My mum invited Thelma to stay with us for some few days, I think she's up to something." He finished hotly.
“But what's wrong with Thelma staying here?" I asked, arms folded.
“Cindy, she's my ex girlfriend! and I know she wants us to get back together."
I scoffed. “And what's wrong with that? She's pretty, and definitely your type."
I know I and Brian being together was impossible, he's a son of a billionaire and I'm a maid, what was I thinking hoping that it will ever work out? This was no fairytale.
He came close and lightly stroked my cheek. "You know I don't like her… it's you I like, I don't know when it happened but I know it's you I want. And stop saying I'm your boss because that’s not true, you work for my parents and that's it. To me you're just the girl next door that I like very very much. Be ready at 6pm tomorrow we're going on that date you owe me." Brian whispered and walked away.
I returned to the dining hall to help Janet and was surprised to see that she was done and had retired to her room in the servants quarters… I didn't even realize we had talked for that long.
I branched to the kitchen and told mum I was going to bed myself since she was almost done too.
I was almost out of the mansion when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.
I turned and saw Thelma.
"Are you the girl I spoke to sometime ago?" She asked, and I nodded my head.
She came close, a menacing look in her eyes. “You better stay away from Brian, he's mine and I don't want a poor maid like you getting in my way, stay away from him." She said and walked away from me.
I stood there still in shock.
Was this high school or something?
I continued walking and decided to make a stop at Janet's room to apologize for making her do the cleaning  all by herself. I knocked and entered when she asked me to.
“Janet, I'm sorry I didn't help with the cl..."
"It's okay I'm rooting for you and Brian and I'll  do anything for you guys to have some alone time." Janet said, cutting me off… a smile on her pretty face as she laid on her bed.
I nodded in appreciation. "Alright, goodnight then." I said as she yawned her goodnight back and then turning off the light in her room, I stepped out to mine.

Hope you liked the update..
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Have an amazing week.😚😚

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