Chapter 3: Surprise!!

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no! this book is not discontinued!! I'm just lazy... I'm sorry. anyways, enjoy!!


error     nightmare    fresh


Outer's POV

I was sitting in my assigned chair at inks big meeting. For some reason, he called all of the sanses, copy's and originals alike.

I deemed it important and messaged fresh to stay alert for a message. This meeting was set roughly 2 days after me agreeing to an alliance with fresh. It still scares me that technically I'm spying on a council meeting for the bad guys, but I know I'm missing information. I'm going to get that info too, because I know somethings not right.

Ink settles everyone down by drawing their attention to him. He gives us a grim face, and it kinda scares me. He's never this serious unless he's planning something. I'm glad I brought the furby in my backpack. I may need to get to fresh soon.

"I have a new plan. 5 hours from now, we are going to ambush error in an empty au. I need you to gather as many copy's and originals as possible." I was shocked. Even after all we've seen he still wants to kill error?! I need to tell fresh, we might be able to warn error.

Red stands from his chair. "That's not enough time!"

Ink cuts him off. "I don't care! Get as many that are willing to fight as you can! We are going to end this." Some of the more pacifist sanses were looking disapproving. I stood and made a show of looking sick.

"Ink? Can I go to the bathroom? I feel sick.."

"yes. I get we're all scared." I stumbled to the hall and bathroom as the council hall broke out in fights. Pulling my backpack off, I grab the furby out.

I'll admit, it was a unique messaging system. I scribbled a quick note and shoved it into the furbys beak.

"Please hurry." I can swear he winked. I left the furby on the toilet seat and went back to the meeting room. Everyone was being dismissed to find any willing fighters.

This is bad.

errors pov

I groaned as I sat up. Nightmare was holding me in his warm embrace. I've been told that the bug has worn off by now but it didn't help my paranoia, which was crazy amped up. When did I even get the bug?! Who-oh.

Now that I'm thinking about it, The clear paint. Ink. I growled lowly. Is it not enough to severely injure me every time we meet?! They need to see what I do in private too?!? I startle as nightmares arms tighten around me.

"What are you thinking about, love? You're angry." I forgot he was tuned in to my emotions.

"It's just that I realized who put the bug on me." He straightened up behind me and his negative aura increased a little. He was also angry I guess.

"Who?" He growled. I knew if I could see his tentacles right now they would be sharpened to points.

"Ink. Isn't it always? Our last fight he splashed me with clear paint. It must've been that."

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