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hey everyone! ill probably be uploading the second chapter almost after this one! inspiration has struck!! i do hope youll stick around.



It started with a sharp pain in his soul.

'Again?!' How many AU's did ink need!?

He stood up groaning. His blackened bones crackled and ground together. He had never wanted to be a destroyer. But that bench (thanks fresh) made him. FORCED him into this. FORCED him to become this.

Fate was cruel, that's for sure.

He set down the half-made doll of himself. For some reason it didn't look right.

It was silly of him to think he could have a break. Even for a second.

He opened a portal to the newest AU and stepped through, closing the portal behind him. It was a small AU from what he could tell. It consisted of a pretty big room with dozens of bright windows to let sun in. Now that he thinks about it, it looked a lot like the judgement hall. It just had a different color scheme. Oh, and it was covered completely in flowers.

Flowers of all types, sizes, shapes, and colors. They covered almost every inch of the floor. There were even a few trees, most covered in flowers too.        

He was stunned.

He allowed himself a small smile and picked one of the bright blue and black petaled flower near his foot.

They were so beautiful.

He really didn't want to destroy this one. So he didn't.

But before he left, he whispered softly,

"I hope I can come back sometime. It's almost as peaceful as outertale."

And with that statement, he portaled away, leaving the AU unharmed so he could search for one to destroy as a replacement.

Meanwhile... (pov switch)

Ink and all the other sanses that had been waiting and watching to make sure that when error destroyed it, he would be truly gone were shocked and trying to figure out what the heck just happened.

"He didn't destroy it?" Questioned a sans in the back.

"Tha' hell!! Did he know what we were plannin'!?" Red, the original fell sans yelled.

" no he couldn't have. And did you hear what he said!?" Outer shouted back.

He'd always had a soft spot for error, especially after seeing him cry on that secluded cliff in his AU. He didn't tell anyone of course. For some reason he didn't want them to come hurt error. He wanted error to feel safe in his AU.

Ink had been quiet for a while.

He spoke loud and clear now though "Alright everyone!! Listen up!"

They all looked at him.

"Now we know error is going to come back. So I say we wait and take shifts. Someone watches this AU through the one sided portal until he comes back. Then we trap him inside, and get some answers." They all nodded in agreement.

Some sanses were just happy there would be no violence.

They all departed their different ways and began to draw up a chart for shifts. All was quiet for a little while in the multiverse. 


sorry if it was sucky. let me know if you have any ideas for improvments! i am also open to ship ideas. im not totally set on errorxnightmare, so let me know if you have any other ideas!


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