Enemies End

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Bumblebee and I go through a ground bridge, we end up at their base. It's so much more different than I thought it would be, but it's something. I look around me and I see their medic Ratchet, Optimus looks over at me. He walks over and he puts a servo on my shoulder.

"Thank you for coming to help Silentwave," I nod my helm, "Well, it's the least I could do. You have helped me so much in the past." Optimus smiles, that is very rare.

"So, what bot do I have to kill?" I ask innocently, I smile. "Arachnid. She has captured Arcee, we have their location." Ratchet explains to me from his spot at the computer. I nod my helm in understanding. Arcee is in danger, by Arachnid. I am gonna kill her, after everything she has done. She will die. 

I open a ground bridge and run through it, to the coordinates to Arcee and Arachnid. Optimus calls after me as I run through it, but I don't listen. 


I end up on the other end of the ground bridge, it's a cave. I walk silently through the cave, I manage to hear clicks of metal tapping against the rock cave. I don't show any sign of hearing it though.

As I walk further into the cave I see many of these egg like things, I walk up to one of them. There are so many of them, I look closely into the egg in front of me. 

When I do, something suddenly jumps at me from the inside. I jump back startled, then quickly regain my calmness. 

(A few minutes later)

I walk a tiny bit further into the cave, I stop when I see Arcee webbed to the side of the cave on the wall. I run over to her offline -not dead- form, I rip off the webs and grab ahold of her lifeless body. I set Arcee down on the cave floor, I turn quickly from my instincts, my tentacles/feelers grab all Arachnids legs and hold them from hitting me. 

Arachnid growls at this, my visor snaps up revealing my whole face. My angry face. I furrow my brows angrily at the spider femme, she crossed the line. When she hurt my friends!

Arachnid quickly brings up one of her claws from her real servos, she tries to slash at my face. Only one of my tentacles/feelers grab ahold of both her servos. She manages to knock me off of her, she runs at me ready to punch me when I regain my balance. Only I duck, doging her punch. 

Arachnid webs my tentacles to the wall behind me, then grabs my free servos with hers. She brings her claws up to my face dripping with poison. Before she can get close to my face someone kicks her off of me and tears the webs off my tentacles/feelers. 

I look over to see Arcee, she struggles to hold herself up. After a click she balanced herself successfully, I nod my helmet at her in thanks. She nods back, we both turn towards Arachnid. 

Arachnid growls angrily, she turns and tries to run. 'Oh no you don't! You won't get away that easily after hurting my best friend!' I run over to Arachnid before she can get away and grab her spider legs. My tentacles/feelers grab ahold of her legs firmly, pinning her up against the cave wall. My free tentacles/feelers grab ahold of her free servos, when she tries to scratch my face with her claws. 

Arachnid now has no way to fight back, she stares into my furious dark red optics. Complete fear fills her face when my dark red optics turn black.

"H-How? Soundwave can't do t-that!" Arachnid stutters shocked, she quickly gets over the shock realizing she froze for a slight click. 

"I-If you let me g-go, I'll leave you a-alone! I swear!" Arachnid tries to get out of my grip fearfully, my tentacles/feelers grip only tightens. 

"You crossed the line Arachnid, When you hurt my friends!" When I said 'When you hurt my friends!' My voice became dark and deadly, very deadly. I didn't even care though that Arcee has been watching. 

I then use my free servo and shove it through Arachnids spark, her spark goes out as her body becomes lifeless. I drop her body and turn towards Arcee, my optics still are black. Arcee is standing up leaning against the cave wall, shock written all over her face. 

"I knew you were different than Soundwave, but not that different." She says after a little bit of shock, I look down. My visor snaps back, covering my face now. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have got that mad at Bumblebee." Arcee frowns as she walks over towards me. 

"You were right to do that, Bumblebee didnt keep his promise. That was on him, and believe me he feels terrible about it." Arcee and I started walking towards the entrance more.

"I just don't understand why he didn't just tell me not to say anything about it, instead he lied." I rub one arm with my other servo in sadness. Arcee puts her servo on my shoulder as I look over into her optics.

"He didnt mean to lie, he just panicked. We didn't have much time, if we did he wouldn't have lied. But he didnt mean to lie." Now I feel like a jerk, I sigh as we near the entrance to the cave. 

"Well, would you guys forgive me?" Arcee smiles, then nods her helmet. "Of course we'll forgive you. I alwayd will forgive you Silentwave." We stop at the entrance, its in the woods. We hug before I open a ground bridge, I got the cordnnates to the base before I left. 


Arcee and I walk through the ground bridge, on the other side we see Ratchet, Optimus, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead all huddled around talking about what to do since I just ran off. When they hear the ground bridge close they look over. 

"Arcee?! Thank the Allspark your alright!" Ratchet yells as he runs over to Arcee and immediately starts checking her over for injuries. She isn't too bad, a few scratches here and there. Nothing too bad. 

Optimus and the others walk over to me, "Where is Arachnid?" I look up at Optimus, my visor snaps up revealing my face. 

"No one messes with my friends, especially not Arcee." my voice turns darker and more deadlier, but not enough to really notice it. Same with my optics, they only get darker a tiny bit. 

"Thank you Silentwave, we are glad to call you a friend." I nod again at Optimus, then snap my visor back on. I turn around as I open a ground bridge, I walk into it. 

I'm happy my friends are safe now, although. I have a feeling Arachnid may be gone, but that doesn't mean her spiders are. 

But, like I've said before. You can mess with me all you want, but...

Never mess with my friends...

Transformers: Silence is Knowledge; Soundwaves sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora