A New Friend And A Virus

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Silentwave rests on the slab in the medical room, once again. Soundwave stood and watched her recharge. They were now located on a new ship, they were lucky Megatron came when he did. When Megatron showed up he saw Soundwave sitting up against a tree, the silent Decepticon held in his arms a sleeping Silentwave. The two Waves were both brought aboard the ship, Silentwave was brought straight to the medical room. Soundwave was brought to Megatrons office, they talked about everything that happened. 

(In Megatrons office)

Soundwave sat quietly in front of his lord, Megatron sat behind a desk. He was pondering about what he is going to say. "Show me what happened." The silent Decepticon nodded as the video of everything that happened showed on his visor, of course the parts they spoke to each other and their faces were covered. The Waves didn't even trust their Lord about their voice and faces yet. 

Megatron thought about the video he just witnessed, he felt bad for the femme. He secretly cares a lot about her, as a friend. They have always been friends, but he never shows his careness around her much. Soundwave is his best Decepticon as well, he couldn't afford to lose his bestfriends and his best Decepticons. 

"You may go Soundwave." The Mech nodded, Soundwave then stood up and left the room. The room became very quiet as Megatron thought. 'Maybe it's best for her to stay on the ship for now on.' He didn't want her to get hurt anymore, so she is going to stay aboard the ship. Unless something bad happens, she is to not leave the ship. 


Silentwaves system came online, no one else was in the room at the time except for Soundwave. Silentwave sat up, she looked around till her optics landed on her twin brother. Silentwave realized her visor was off, so was Soundwaves. But she didn't care at the time. Within seconds, she is in her brothers arms. Silentwave of course felt terrible since her wings were gone, but she would get better soon. As long as she has Soundwave there with her she will be alright. 

(Silentwaves POV)

I cried into my brothers arms, I can't believe my wings are gone. I just wish things could have gone differently. I think I will be able to get over it soon, but right now I just need Soundy. After a little bit me and Soundwave pulled apart, "I'm so glad your okay Sy." I chuckled a bit, my optics never leaving his. "I'm glad your here Soundy." The door then opened, both of our visors snapped down covering our faces with a *click* sound. 

We both looked over at the bot who entered the room, it was Lord Megatron. "Hello Silentwave. Nice to see you getting better." Soundwave and I both shared a look with each other. //Uh oh, its that look again...// I am concerned about my Lord. //It's going to be alright Sy// Soundwave assured me, I hope nothing bad happens like last time though. 

"I have decided that Silentwave will remain on the ship, unless something bad happens to force you to leave the ship. You are to stay here." Yep, I knew it! I can't stay here, I have to be able to leave sometime, right? I understood the splitting us up part. But this? I don't know how to feel about this. Well, It is for my protection. So maybe it will be good? We'll just have to see. 

I nodded my helm in understanding to Lord Megatron, he then turned and left the room. Both of us flipped our visors off, I sighed. "Well, this is gonna be just so very fun." I stated sarcastically, Soundwave shook his helm as he chuckled at my sarcasm. I soon found myself chuckling with him. 


(With the Autobots)

The Autobots all gathered around in the main room, they were all discussing the situation with Silentwave. "I highly doubt Megatron will allow her to leave the ship, after all she did loose her wings. She won't be able to transform in case of an emergency." Ratchet explained to the bots listening. 

Transformers: Silence is Knowledge; Soundwaves sisterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt