He Must Die

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Finally, we are reunited. I feel like it has been so long since neither of us kept secrets from each other, it's nice. We finally don't have to keep secrets, I don't need to keep hurting Soundwave. We both fly out to help a person in need of help, we see someone who may need our help so we fly down and grab her with our Holoforms on. There is a tornado happening right now. We put her into our jets and we then put it on autopilot mode, I see someone else who is in danger. I run over and grab him and then I quickly turn to run back to my jet, I hold onto his hand as tight as I can. I notice that my holoform is failing, I start glitching, but I pull him as hard as I can into the jet. I then disappear.

I fly away with the boy, he constantly questions where the girl (My holoform) went. When we get to the base, the boy is taken by Agent Fauler. I transform, but then immediately collapse onto the ground. Soundwave drops down next to me, his servos on my shoulders. Soon, the Autobots all come over. I feel so dizzy, my visor flips up and reveals my face again. Soundwave does as well. Oh no, this can't happen now.

"Silentwave!" He panics as the Autobots notice me on the ground, Ratchet runs over and scans me.

"She is injured, but from the inside..." I interrupt him by standing up, "I highly don't recommend you standing right now," I ignore it, and I nearly fall over again, but Soundwave catches me. 

"How is that even possible?" Arcee asks, I look over at her.

"Unicron," I say barely, I can barely talk. Why! Why does this have to happen!? I feel so dead inside, I can't feel anything. 

"But, what does Unicron have to do with this?" I look over at Soundwave, I had told him everything after we were reunited again.

"In the past, she was working with Unicron," Optimus walks over, he looks at me and then at Soundwave. I had to tell him everything, he means so much to me. I could never bring myself to lie to him again after the last time. It tore us apart, I always wished things had not turned out that way.

"Why would she do that?" Optimus asks, Soundwave then turns towards him.

"Because, she wanted to protect Cybertron." He gets a bunch of confused faces, he sighs, "When Unicron came to Cybertron, he left because Silentwave made some kind of deal with him." I turn towards them.

"One, where if I don't help him now. Then I will die." They all look at each other, "I will never help him, not after what he made me do to Soundwave. Even if it kills me, I won't hurt any of you guys." I fall over in pain, we need to kill him. No matter what, if I am to survive. But, I would never hurt any of them ever. They helped me to be free, free from everything. 

Soon the base is destroyed, we all travel by car or jet. While flying, I try to keep balance, but Soundwave notices I start to shake. But, before anyone can react, Soundwave and I are shot out of the sky. The Autobots all slam on the brakes and quickly come to a stop to come help us, but a wall is formed between us and them. 

I get up and see Unicron standing there next to me, I get up and punch him. I use my tentacles to grab him, but he turns into dust and sand. Scrap. I see Soundwave stand up, I walk over towards him. I then help him to stand up, "Thanks, Sy." I nod my helm as my visor comes back on, his snaps over his face to. We both look around to see we are in a box, then right in front of me, Unicron appears.

I kick him, but he turns to dust and reappears. "You cannot kill me," Sand and dirt trap my pedes to the ground, I can't move. Around me, Soundwave tries to break free as well. I blast at his pedes.

"Fly!" I yell as he transforms and flies off to find the others, I turn towards Unicron. 

"Foolish, they all will die. And, you will forever be my puppet." I feel as he takes control over my body, it's one of the worst feelings to ever feel. The feeling of terrible emptiness, I feel nothing. I feel alone. I feel so empty.

The last thought to leave my mind before it is taken over completely, is...

'Primus, let Soundwave be okay...'  And, I pray to Primus he hears me...

Transformers: Silence is Knowledge; Soundwaves sisterWhere stories live. Discover now