Revenge... And the Past Returns

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(The Nemesis)

Soundwave could not work, he kept pacing around in the med bay. Silentwave was offline on the berth, Soundwave felt terrible. 

Soundwave was also furious, Arachnid was gonna die for the stunt she pulled. Whether it was Soundwave taking her spark, or Megatron.

(A few hours later)

Silentwaves system came back online, she had rebooted. The side of her helm hurt so bad, she sat up and put her servo up to the side of her helm. She realized she didn't have her faceplate on, no one else was in the room. She quickly put her faceplate back on. 

Knockout, Soundwave, and Megatron all walked into the room. Soundwave ran over to his sister the moment their optics caught each others. He hugged her so tight, she hugged him back. She then felt a bunch of pain shoot through her helm, her servo clutched the side of her helm in pain. Soundwave felt terrible, also did Megatron and Knockout. Soundwave and Megatron left the room while Knockout was left to fix her helm.

Soundwave opened a ground bridge, Megatron knew exactly where he was going. He wanted revenge. 

(In the woods)

Soundwave walked out of the ground bridge, Megatron soon after. They saw the Autobots fighting Arachnid, she was winning the fight. Optimus was nowhere to be seen, the other Autobots were fighting her. Megatron and Soundwave walked over. When Arachnid saw the duo, she freaked. 

"M-Megatron?" She stuttered. She was obviously scared, the Autobots could tell she was as well. Megatron walked over to Archnid, "You Traitor!" He yelled at the now cowering spider. 

"My L-Lord! I-I am sorry!" She begged him for forgiveness. Then Optimus appeared, Megatron took out his sword. Just as he was about to kill Arachnid, Optimus appeared infront of him wielding his own sword. Megatron dropped the spider onto the ground a ways infront of him. Soundwave then grabbed Arachnid by her throat, he retracted his faceplate. "If you ever hurt Silentwave again, I will take your spark." He whispered to her. Her optics went wide. The Autobots watching hadn't heard anything, but they knew it must have been bad. 

"Soundwave! Lets go!" Megatron called for Soundwave. Soundwave turned toward Megatron, he then opened a ground bridge and they walked through. "Next time Optimus, don't expect me to be so kind." Megatron told Optimus, he smirked as he walked through the ground bridge.

They finally got revenge.

(The Nemesis)

Soundwave walked into the med bay, Silentwave was sitting there on the berth. Soundwave sat next to her, they were the only ones in the room. He retracted his faceplate. She did as well. "Arachnid's gone." He told his twin, she looked over at him furrowing her brows. "What do you mean she's gone?" Silentwave asked her older twin. "I sent her through a ground bridge." "Where?" She asked him.

He smiled.

(With Arachnid)

Arachnid walked through the cold snow, there was snow blowing all over her body. It was freezing. "Grrrr, I will kill you Soundwave!!!" She shouted. She continued walking, she then saw a town. she walked over to it quietly warming herself. "I will kill you Soundwave, and Silentwave as well!!!!" She yelled to herself, she made sure no one heard her. She smirked.

(Back at the Nemesis)

Silentwave laughed lightly, she was feeling much better. She's only got a small helmache, it would go away soon. She hugged Soundwave, she sure was glad to have such a good twin like him. 

(A few days later)

Silentwave awoke in her shared berth, Soundwave was typing at the computer. "Come on Sy! Get up already!" He was tired, Silentwave groaned. She didn't want to get up. 

Transformers: Silence is Knowledge; Soundwaves sisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ