Hospitals Are Sh*tty (Part Dos)

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*I made that picture of Jinxx 😂😂😂*

Annnnywaaaaaaays, onto what you came here for 😁
When I looked up everyone was telling me to put Blayde down.


"Nala, your baby could be in danger of miscarriage. You shouldn't be lifting anything over 5 pounds!" Andy screeched at me.

"Oh shut up. I'm okay with carrying my son guys."

I noticed CC shake his head and keep walking and so I followed, helping buckle the triplets into their seats and then moving on to climbing into the passenger seat next to CC.

"CC." He ignored me. "Babe." Again no answer. "Christian." Did he issue a challenge to the silent game with the triplets? "Mora." "Yes mommy?" All three kids answered. Really Christian?

"Christian Mora, I swear I will leave again and this time I will take my kids."

"Fine! Take them! That's all you seem to care about! You're pregnant with another child and you can't even stop fussing over them to take care of yourself for that child. Nope, it's the triplets this, the triplets that. They are growing up Nala! They've got to learn life isn't all about them! What would happen if I wasn't here while you were having stomach pains. Would you have gone to the doctor? I don't think you would have, I think you'd be so far up the triplets asses that you wouldn't even care!"

I just sat back in my seat and watched as he drove and screamed and yelled.

When I looked back, I wanted to just break down. Daddy's little girl was in the backseat bawling her eyes out with her brothers hugging her. Way to make them feel loved CC.

I just shook my head and laid my hand on her lap while I sat in silence.

"Oh! Now you don't want to argue Nala. Now there's no problem huh?!"

"No, I'm just not going to argue in front of the triplets especially after you've already broke their hearts. I already told you, I did my research about my pains. I called my doctor before I came back home. I'm fine. The baby is fine. I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you Christian but you need to let it the fuck go and as of right now, that's the end of this conversation."

And with that we pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. As soon as we parked I jumped out the car and helped the triplets out. Anytime CC reached for them they would shake their heads and scream. Eventually he stopped trying. When we started walking Bella turned around to him.

"Since we're growing up we can take mommy in for a check up. We don't need your help." She snapped with at him. Holy Hell that child has my attitude.

"Bella, you don't talk to your father like that, you hear me?" I scolded her. "I understand you are hurt and frustrated but that is still your father." I told her before taking her hand along with Blayze's as Blayde grabbed my belt loop. And together the four of us walked in with everyone else approaching CC.

Once I was checked in I sat in the waiting room answering the triplets questions.

"Mommy?" Bella asked quietly.

"Yes princess?"

"Are you going to leave us with daddy again?"

I gave her a small smile. "I have no idea what's going on with daddy right now but I do know he loves you. I'm not going anywhere as of now but you may have two homes soon." I told her. Just then Ella and Juliet approached me.

"We talked with CC." Ella told me. I nodded. As for right now, I didn't care what they had talked about, my children needed comforting.

"Nala, I know this isn't the best time but I think you should know."

"Then wait till we are home. Please guys as of right now I can't deal with him."

"CC is sick Nala." my head snapped up so fast to look at Juliet.

Tears built in my eyes, my face completely paled.

"We'll just get him cold medicine." Blayze spoke up.

I knew it was more serious than that and I let the tears flow, the triplets immediately trying to comfort me.

"Nala Mora."

My name was called and I stood with the triplets and Juliet all following me as I followed the nurse.

When the doctor finally came in I knew what he would say. I had already been cleared by my own doctor. This appointment was just to satisfy everyone else. Everyone including CC's guilty concious. With a small smile and a thank you, the triplets and I made out way back to the car. The kids were all quiet, sensing that something else was up.

"Everyone left, its just us. CC left the car and went home with the others." Juliet spoke up as we reached the lobby.

"Then let's go home." my voice was shaky and the kids immediately gripped me tighter. They knew this wasn't going to be a good night.

I guess it's time to go talk.

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