The Last Surprise

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"How did you find this place?" I glared at him as I posed my question. "I thought I told you to stay away from me and my family."

"I just want to talk."

"Well, I have nothing to say to you. You no longer have access to me."

"Please, Nala let's just talk."

"My children live here, are you fucking crazy?! I have a restraining order against you. I'm calling the police." I went to slam the door in his face, but he stuck his foot in the doorway.

I couldn't yell out for help, I didn't want any of the kids to come down and see him. "The restraining order is over Nala. There is no longer any legal binding to keep me from you." He pushed his way into the house. "I would like to meet my grandchildren." He smiled at me.

I couldn't control myself anymore, I let my voice raise until I was literally screaming at him. "You will never meet your grandchildren! You are a sick fuck! You tried to kill them while I was pregnant! You think that because you did your time for your crimes, and because the restraining order is over that you are free?! No! You cannot just come into my home and demand to see them. And you know what, I am stronger than my mother. I have had real love in my life, therefore I will not fall victim to your ways. And I will not let my kids fall victim either." I was breathing hard as we glared at each other. Within a few seconds, CC was standing in front of him and Alex was trying to pull me away.

"No, Alex! I will not step down. He'll have to beat the shit out of me like he did to my mother to ever get near my kids! He'll have to fucking kill me first!" I had managed to get out of Alex's grasp and was standing next to CC. "What's wrong Dad? Don't like to be called out on your bullshit. You think I don't know what you're up to? You see that I obviously won't give you any money, so all of a sudden you want a relationship with your grandchildren, you think they have money. They don't have access to any of it until they are well and grown." I could hear sirens coming from down the street, I noticed movement on the staircase and my father's head snapped towards it. All of the kids were standing on it. James' had his sickly sweet smile plastered to his face. He went to make a move towards them but I moved into his path.

"I said No. I did not invite you into my home. Therefore, you are trespassing. I believe that is a violation of your parole dad. By all means, put your hands on me this time. Let's see how long you'll be locked in that cage."

"I want to see my grandchildren."

"Hell no."

"Nala Rains! I am your father!"

"Nala Rains died the day you tried to kill the triplets. You want to know what happened a few days after? After the doctors said the babies were okay. After I had been stitched up? As soon as I was released, CC and I went to the courthouse and got married. I was given life again, because the man who was supposed to love me first, had instead filled me with hate. I let Nala Rains die after you tried to kill her babies. I did not want for them to be Rains-Mora. I did not want them to have any ties to you. They are not your grandchildren, because I am not your daughter."

"And I did my time for that! They are still my grandchildren! My blood runs through them!"

"Your blood does not. Every drop of blood I had from you, I left on the ground of the parking lot. I had to have a blood transfusion and none of that transferred blood was yours. I told you the day you were sent to prison, you will never have anytime with them."

"Nala y-"

"NO! Absolutely posi-fucking-tively not!" As I began to approach him, the police showed up at the door.

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