Coming Home

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Fan art from a fan ^.^ this was her school project :D AND SHE DID IT ON REBEL LOVE STORY!!! :O :D (punkie329 is the amazing fan 👏👏👏)
The girl in stripes is how I imagine Nala's voice when she sings 💁 song - Coming Home (their own rendition of it) - Bree

When I stepped through the door, Alex was standing in the hallway.

"Hey you." he said quietly as he walked over and hugged me before taking my duffel bag. "The little monsters are in the living room."

I smiled widely and took off running only to find CC on the floor with the triplets.

"Mommy!!" Mufasa screamed. He came barreling towards me and I fell to my knees just in time to catch him. Next came Simba who turned it into a little group hug. When I looked up Tiana was holding onto her father's leg.

"Hi princess." I smiled at her.

She didn't even smile at me, instead she turned to her dad and held her arms out to be picked up.

And of course, my heart broke more. More than CC had already left of the shredded pieces. My only daughter just chose to ignore me.

"I missed you guys." I smiled towards my daughter in her father's arms and then down at my boys.

"I missed you too mommy!" Simba yelled.

"I missed you mowe!" Mufasa yelled as he pushed Simba.

They giggled and then started a little pushing war.

"Nala, can we talk?"

I looked up to CC and nodded.

"No daddy!" Tiana yelled and gripped Christian's shirt so he couldn't put her down.

"Why not baby? We'll be right back."

"No! Mommy left! She doedn't love me!" She cried and buried her head in CC's chest. I walked over and took her out of her dad's arms even as she tried to fight me.

"Tiana, it's not that I don't love you because honestly, you and your brothers are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I only left because daddy and I were having issues. I didn't want to be here arguing with daddy and tearing apart our home. But it seems even when mommy tries to make good decisions, she makes bad ones. I'm sorry Princess. I hope you can forgive me." I kissed her cheek before handing her back to CC, taking my bag from Alex and heading upstairs.

I didn't want my kids to see be cry. I didn't want them to see me broken. I had seen my own mother cry at a young age and it broke me so much inside. I didn't want that for my kids. I wanted them to enjoy life. To see me happy and strong. To see me pushing on. I didn't want them to struggle the way I struggled in life.

I had just finished emptying my bag when there was a knock on the adjacent door.

"Mind if we talk now?" CC asked as he leaned against the door way.

"Yeah." I said shakily and nodded before he closed the door.


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