And We're Off!

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"Wake up love."

I turned over acting as if I heard nothing. It's too early in the fucking morning for this shit.

"Nala baby come on. You can go get in the bunk on the bus. I've already got the triplets and the bags on board."

"I don't want to get up CC."

"I'll carry you then."

"Nope. I'm up." I quickly tried, key word being tried, to sit up and get out of bed.

"What is it with you not wanting me to carry you?"

"CC, I weigh a ton when I'm pregnant, I don't need you throwing out your back or anything because I was being lazy."

"You've gained fourteen pounds since being pregnant with the twins. That's nothing! I carried you when you were eight months pregnant with the triplets."

I sighed and tried to reach over to put on my shoes. "Uhh. I give up, I'm just going to slide on slippers."

Before I could get to them CC had scooped me up and was carrying me out the room.

"Christian! Put me down!"


Fine, whatever, guess I'll just relax here in his arms.

On the bus I was sat on the couch and everyone was awake.

"Alright guys meeting time" Andrew Biersack... Seriously, a meeting at 5:30 in the morning. No.

"UHM, Nala is going to a bunk. Too early for a meeting"

"Well that's actually what the meeting is about. Juliet is also pregnant, so the guys and I decided, you ladies can have the bed in the back."

"Whoo! A three month sleep over!"
I giggled at Juliet. She's such a goof ball.

"A bed to ourselves! Wait... So the triplets are taking my bunk?"

"Well Blayde and Blayze are, you know the princess is going to refuse to sleep with them." CC corrected as he sat next to me.

"Okay! I guess that works! Juliet are you tired? Because I'm tired, let's go back to sleep."

"Yes! Please I'm not mentally prepared to be awake!"

I giggled at Juliet as we helped each other off the couch. On our way back I kissed the triplets on their heads as they were all sleeping in a bunk.

Today begins a new tour. What adventures will it bring this time?

Shits short as fuuuuckkkk. Working on the next chapter.
Also, Hi guys! Haven't seen y'all in 5 ever!
Next chapter should be up by tomorrow (or the day after cause ya know me 😂)

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