Hospitals Are Sh*tty

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I may have a slight obsession with Nirvana... Hi I'm Bree and I'm a Nirvana Junkie 😏😂

Nala's POV

Dinner with the family was going great. Except for the fact that Jake and CC were very concerned for me and kept shooting me worried glances. Bella never took her hand off of my stomach and CC's remained on my leg while his bobbed up and down in his nervousness.

All of this attention caused Andy to notice something was wrong and of course he spoke on the situation.

"Is everything okay over there?" Andy asked as he looked over in our direction.

Of course Christian Fucking Mora saw this as his opportunity.

"Nala has been under a lot of stress lately and she was having stomach pains, we're just worried about the baby is all."

"Well why are you guys here?! Go to the hospital!" Ashley encouraged.

Christian new exactly what he was doing as he stood and tried to pull me with him. I remained seated in my seat.

"No! I promised our children family dinner and I told you I'd go AFTER we ate with them. Trust me, I was worried about the baby as well but I already did my research, I know the baby is fine. I'm only going to settle your guilty conscious. We have three kids with us here now that we also have to look after. And we promised to take Bellatrix. Do you know how upset she would've been if we broke that promise? I know exactly what you're up to Mora, you're not rushing me out of here anytime soon. I promised to go straight there after dinner which is much sooner than I had planned to on my own."

With a sigh he sat next to me and rubbed my stomach on the opposite side of where Bella had her small hand resting. Of course at hearing that Bella was going to the hospital with us the boys wanted to go too.

"Can we come mommy?!" Blayde spoke up.

I nodded my head. "But just like your sister, you have to promise to listen. A hospital is not a place to play around, understand?"

"Yes mommy!" They both answered at the same time before high-fiving each other.

"Well, we might as well all go. Everyone's going to be worried and a nervous wreck."

I nodded and looked at CC who was looking down at his plate.

"Well whenever you're all done eating we'll go." I said before taking the last sip of my water and grabbing Christian's hand. He still kept his head down with his leg jumping up and down. He never acknowledged my hand, and that worried me.

Fifteen minutes later everyone was done eating. The triplets jumped up and surrounded me, each trying to keep a hand on my tummy. I couldn't help but smile when I saw them, and then that smile grew when I looked up to see CC smiling at them.

"C'mon guys, mommy can't walk if you're all surrounding her." he spoke quietly before scooping up Bella and Blayze. I leaned over and grabbed Blayde and began walking into the street with him on my hips before I heard yelling and screaming.

What the hell were they screaming at?


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