You've Got A Friend In Me

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I sat in front of his house debating if I should go in. What if he tells the guys where I am?
I decided to just call his phone first.


"Hey Vic!"



"What the hell, you know the BVB guys are looking around for you?"

"Yeah, I uh, need some space from there."

"Well you can stay at my place for a few days."

"Thanks because I'm actually outside now." I chuckled down the phone.

"Really?! Well come inside!"

"Aha alright Vic." I hung up and climbed out of my jeep. Before I could get to the door Jaime came running out the door and almost tackled me.

"Wait! I'm pregnant, don't tackle me!!" I screamed out right before he got to me.

He stopped right in front of me and smiled. "Congrats little sis!! Give me a hug!! Coma must be excited to have another little one coming!"


"Oh no, tell Papa Hime Time aaaalll about it."

"Let's go inside so I can tell you guys everything."

When I finally sat down in the band room with the guys I spilled my guts.

How CC accused me of cheating.

How no one came to my defense.

How I quickly left.

How Ashley came to talk to me.

How I missed my kids.


Mike suggested I go home and talked to CC.

Jaime suggested the same.

Tony suggested I should stay here for a few days so I could have a clear head before speaking to Ceese again.

Vic suggested I go home and pack everything then move in with him, of course he was just trying to get a small chuckle out of me.

They all promised not to tell the BVB boys where I am.

"I can't stay away forever Vic. I love him. It killed me to leave the house, and I thought about getting a divorce but that broke my heart even more. I have to go home eventually."

"Well you should definitely go have a shower first and relax a bit. Better yet, a bubble bath. The kids bubble soak is still upstairs from the last visit!"

I nodded "Thanks Vic."

"Head on up, you know where everything is."

I nodded and took my duffel bag upstairs with me.

After running the bath water and adding the bubbles I always leave here for the triplets when we come for visits, I stripped myself of my clothes and climbed inside. Once I relaxed into the warmth I started thinking again.

Should I forgive Christian?

Could I honestly take his children away from him?

When I was done washing my body, I stood, dried my body, lotioned and walked to my duffel bag that was sitting on the counter.

I dressed myself in my undergarments, a pair of blank skinnies and my "CC makes me Cray-Z" t-shirt. I remember when he first got this made for me. We were only a few months into dating but our favorite inside joke was about how girls fan-girled over him, so I would always tell him he makes me crazy like a fan girl.

I slid on some socks and threw my favorite dirty black converse back on.

When I walked downstairs all of the guys were in the kitchen.

"Hey Nala, come eat." Mike called to me when he saw me walking in.

"What did my favorite chefs cook today?"

"Pizza!" They all yelled out.

I chuckled and sat down with the boys to eat. We laughed and joked and ate dinner, and honestly, it felt good to sit at a table with a family again.

"So, are you going to go back?" Tony asked.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, tonight actually. I'm going to talk with CC and decide if there's still an us to fix." I looked down at my empty plate.

"There is still a relationship to fix. CC just has to work on not jumping to conclusions." I smiled at Mike's words.

"Thanks boys. I think I'm going to head out now."

"Bye little sister!" I laughed and hugged them one by one, grabbed my bag and walked out the door. When I got to the truck Alex (Gaskarth) was calling me.

I turned on the truck and connected the Bluetooth before answering the phone.

"Hello my favorite brother ever!"

"The hell? Why are you so cheery?" His voice sounded throughout the car.

"Because I'm on my way home!"

"Good cause Christian isn't looking so good."

"I know, Vic and the boys to- wait... looking so good? Are you video-chatting with him?"

"No actually I'm sitting in your living room."

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming down here?"

"It was a surprise Christian planned but everything fell to shit before we got here so... yeah."

I put the truck into drive. "Well I should be there in about two hours. Don't tell anyone I'm coming."

"Alright, see you then."

And with that, I hung up my phone and started my drive home.

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