Adventure Awaits!

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Do you ever just want to scream at the top of your lungs? Yep. Me. 300 days of the year... the other 65 days I do scream 😂 Hi guys! I've missed ya! Merry Christmas! -Bree

"Mufasa! Can you go get your brother and sister? Tell them it's time to go!"

"Okay mommy!"

Today Juliet and I took the kids to a water park. We've now been on tour for two months, meaning Juliet is four months pregnant and I am officially eight and a half months along. We have about another week of touring, and we have managed to make sure the triplets are tired out most nights. We also managed a few days of relaxing but certainly not enough to keep CC reassured.

"Aunt Jules!!"

"What's up buttercup?" Juliet smiles as she picks up Bellatrix.

"When will I get to meet my little cousin?"

"Oh, I would say in maybe five more months. Until then you can talk to the baby through my stomach!"


"Come on Blayde and Blayze, grab your backpacks! You too Bella!"

"Mommy are we going to watch Daddy on stage tonight?"

"I don't know Simba, we'll see about it later."


"Nala, you alright?" Juliet asked as I stopped to rub my stomach.

"Yeah, just a few kicks from the twins. Nothing major." I know exactly where this is going.

"Last time you thought it was just kicks you stayed overnight at the hospital. You sure you don't want to get checked out?"

"I'll be fine." It's just kicks. That's all. But then again. What if it's not? I'll let CC know when I see him, just in case I go into labor early. He'll cancel all of our plans with the triplets though.

"Okay let's head back to the bus then."

"Let'sa Go!" I giggled with a fist pump.

"Okay Mario!"

"You know you're my Luigi!"

Juliet laughed and shook her head as she started walking with her niece.

......... (la la laaaa)......

Once we were back on the bus, triplets showered and in clothes, we decided we all needed naps. The band was gone for sound check which left us with about an hour and a half of peace and quiet.

Unfortunately that hour didn't last long.

I was awoken by the triplets crawling into bed with us thirty minutes later.

"Mommy! Can we go see Daddy?" Mufasa asked.

"Yeah pwease mommy! We didn't see him this mowning!" Oh Tiana, keeping track of it all.

"Pweaaaaseeeeew!" Oh, Simba.

"Sure guys. Let's go get dressed and head inside."

"Yay!" And all that was seen was a blur of the kids running to get dressed.

"I'll come with you Nala."

"No, stay and rest Juliet! There will be plenty of help backstage. No need to worry!"

"You sure?"

"I'm absolutely sure, go back to sleep Jules."

"Okay, see you later." And she was once again, out like a light.

Once backstage, the kids and I set out on a mission to find the band. We checked the stage first, seeing as they were supposed to be having a sound check. We walked past Ashley who was chatting it up with a few techs. In the dressing room we only found Jake and Jinxx.

"Hey guys, know where CC is?"

"Oh he and Andy decided to go shopping. They found out about a cute little baby boutique a few miles away."

"Okay, well kiddos, looks like we'll have to see daddy tonight at the concert. Let's head back to the bus and get some food into you guys."

"Okay Mommy! Bye Uncle Jake! Bye Uncle Jinxx!" The triplets chorused. And we set off for the bus once again.

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