First Day at UA

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Jeff woke up that morning, to his pillow being ripped rom under him, then being smacked with that pillow.
"Oi! Jeff, get yo lazy ass up!"

It was two weeks since the entrance exam. As predicted, all five of them got in. And now, it was the first day at their new school.

Jeff groans loudly, remembering just now why he had hated school so much. "Ben, I swear to Zalgo, if you do not go away right now I will drown your videogames in the sink."

Jeff could hear the fearful, but playful gasp as a pillow is dropped on his head. "No! Not the videogames! Anything but my videogames!" Ben yells out, running out of the room.

Jeff laughs lightly. Works every time. But, now that he's up, there's no way that he's gonna be able to get back to sleep. So, Jeff pulls himself out of bed and drags himself to his closet to get changed.

God... He has to wear a uniform. Can this school get anymore shitty? Jeff sighs as he pulls on the uniform, leaving the jacket unbuttoned and forgetting the tie. He is NOT wearing that deathtrap.

Walking down the stairs of the house they're squatting at until the mansion is done, Jeff ruffles his long black hair as he tries to wake up more. He's never been a morning person, but he hates the way coffee makes him feel. Instead, Jeff likes to get some caffeinated tea.

Ann glances up at Jeff as he stumbles down the steps, still half asleep. Ann rolls her eyes and holds out a mug of his tea. "Morning Smiles. You look like shit."

Jeff glares at her and hisses lightly which makes her chuckle lightly. Especially since he took the mug from her anyway.

He wanders over to the kitchen table and takes a seat, stealing some toast from EJ who doesn't notice, since he's more focused on raiding the fridge for his kidney stash.

Slenderman looks up from the papers Tim had given him last night on information he asked for, an amused aura around him. "Good morning Jeffery."

Jeff simply grunts as he munches on the food he stole, trying to wake himself up.

"Ann, have you come up with plausible stories for all of you?" Slender asks, still "looking" at Jeff amused by Jeff's sleepy calm mood.

"Of course sir. For the most part nothing has changed. Ben's story is that he was almost drowned by some school bullies, and his glitching accidentally killed them; hence his hydrophobia. His mother died in childbirth and his father died from suicide a few years later. Eventually he was put in our "foster home".

Jeff's parents had their parental rights taken away from them when Jeff was almost burned alive by his bullies and his younger brother was hospitalized from their attempts at putting them in their place. Jeff and Lui were separated in the system and because of this Jeff has severe anger issues and is extremely protective of those he cares about, even though he's a huge tsundere.

EJ was put into the system by his parents because of his demonic quirk. We are provided with unusable origins for his unusual appetite. Because of this EJ is quiet, and very reserved with trust issues.

Jane's parents were killed in a villain attack and she almost died. Her parents were burned alive in front of her, hence her pyrophobia. She is also afraid of caring for someone because she doesn't want to go through the pain of loosing them too.

As for myself, my father was a villain and was abusive to myself, my mother, and my sister. Through some unfortunate circumstances my father killed my mother, my sister died trying to protect me, and I accidentally killed my father in self defense.

In case we are asked for our motivations on becoming heroes; mine will be I want to be there for kids who went through what I did so they aren't forced to do what I did. For Ben, it would be to prove that he can not only save himself, but others too. Jane's would be that she wants to be a hero because she wants to become what she wished was there the day her parents died, Jeff wants to hunt down bullies like the ones who almost killed himself and his brother, and EJ wants to be more than the monster that his quirk makes him."

The New Threat (BNAH x Creepypasta) [DISCONTINUED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang