Team Villain

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Masky was very valuable in the criminal underworld as of now. His quirk makes finding information a breeze and the information is always the best. That information sold for a whole lot on the more sketchy websites and chat rooms filled with villains, vigilantes, and other more questionable sorts.

Hoodie on the other hand began to clear out some of the local gangs too close to Slenderman's new territory.

Until Slender has set up the magic needed in the forest, his power is limited. However, in about three months the preparations will be completed and they will have their wandering forest back. Well, a wandering forest. It won't be the forest that they have grown accustomed to, as there will be no natural monsters such as the rakes, no Zalgo or his minions wandering around, and probably most disappointing, no mansion.

But, the new forest will provide a stable base of operations that will be virtually impossible to infiltrate. So, Hoodie has to run around and get rid of idiots who may try and get in Slenderman's way.

Thankfully they were all low level gangs that weren't considered a threat, so no one really noticed until weeks after the fact. And as of now, not one person has figured out that the elimination of the gangs were done by a single new group.

Currently Slender, Masky, and Hoodie are in the forest working on the frame work of the new mansion. The small abandoned house that they are currently squatting at is a good temporary base of operations, but will be a hindrance in the long run. So, that led to the three full time villains building the mansion even before the magic was set up.

"Tim, have you gotten any updates on the others as of yet?" Slender asks, both his hands and tentacles hard at work preparing wood and placing the different wooden support beams in place.

Masky pulls up his mask and wipes his forehead before clicking his bracelet. Tapping the messages option, Tim scans through the recent message before responding.

"Jeff's group has just finished the written portion of the exam and are currently waiting for the practical exam to start. Sally has informed me that everything is going well on her end and the residents have accepted the reasoning for her injuries that we came up with."

Slender rolls his head, before letting his work pause. "Good. And things on your end?"

Tim pulls out a cigarette and takes a drag. Tim then pulls up a list of statistics showing the amount of requests he has gotten as well as for how much they have been able to sell for. "Currently I have not found a price these criminals will not pay for our information. On top of that, because of our quality and success rate, we have been getting more and more requests."

Slender nods, rolling his shoulders and asks, "Have they begun asking for in person meetings?"

"Yes sir. Shall I begin accepting them?"

"Yes. I believe it is time to announce ourselves to the world. Myself and Brian shall accompany you."

Tim snaps his head over to Slender. "Sir! Are- are you sure?! I thought you would have wanted to wait until the forest was secured before announcing yourself!"

Slender sighs and drags a hand down his face in exhaustion. "While that would have been ideal, I would like to be there as insurance. These "villains" are quite bold. I wouldn't be surprised if they atempt to secure you as a source of free information. Having your boss there might deter a good portion."

Tim had to suppress a shiver. While he could kill whoever attempts anything he doesn't like, that would be bad for business. Having Slender there would definitely keep annoying offers for him to join their group to a minimum and keep the more bold groups from kidnapping him for whatever reason.

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