-Chapter Twenty One-

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It's dark, Thunder is clapping and pouring down with rain the only lights I can see are sparks off a wire and the flash of lightning. "Maddison...." A soft voice calls out to me, "mommy". ....flash....zapp.... "mommy, where are you", "Maddison...." .....screaming...... I look around, I'm in upside down in my mom's car but I'm all alone. "MOM, please where are you?" ....flash....zapp.... I manage to unbuckle my seat belt and fall to the roof "Maddi... sweetheart". A smooth, soft hand appears in the broken window. I reach up and grab it.

The hand pulls me out of the car, I look around and see nothing but a white room. the car had disappeared. Something touches my shoulder I spin around "mom" I hug her tightly, "mommy" I sob in her collar bone. "Maddison...sweetheart...I know it hurts but you have to be brave...remember everything happens for a reason...don't give up hope...don't give up on love" she hushes me gently. I breathe deeply lavender and vanilla. "Please mommy it hurts, I can't. I love him so much. Make the pain go, make it stop" my sobs are getting hard as she squeezes me tighter. "I can't sweetheart, only you can heal yourself, your life is about to change drastically but it's up to you to pull yourself together and be the strong, brave, beautiful girl I know you are" she says kissing the top of my head. "I love you sweetheart, I am so proud of you... just remember that" she lets me go. "NO, MOM.... PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME... MOMMY!!"


I slowly open my eyes everything is blurry. I give my eyes a chance to adjust. I see my father on one side of the bed his head is down on top of my hand. I turn my head and see Noah in the same position as my father. I wonder where Talon is.....Talon.... it all comes back to me. Talon doesn't love me, he is engaged to Lexi. He loves Lexi. The door opens for I split second I thought I seen him on the seats outside my room. But that can't be. He doesn't care. Why would he be here. I was just something to keep him amused before he settled down with Lexi. A nurse quietly walks over. "You're awake, sweety" she whispers trying not to wake everyone else.

She carefully takes my hand from dad. She checks my blood pressure and temperature writing it down in my chart. "I know it's a silly question but, how are you feeling?,", I look down not knowing how to say or what to feel. "Nnn...numb.... I feel numb" I hoarsely whisper, she reaches over and grabs a cup of water and hands it back to me. "That's normal, you've been unconscious for a about two weeks now" I take a sip. She grabs the cup and places it back on the hospital table.

The door flings open "Maddison, you're awake princess!" Aunt Becca says not caring if she wakes everyone up. They all sit up straight realising I am in fact awake, "sweetheart" dad looks into my eyes. "Hi daddy" I say weakly. "Maddi... thank goodness..." Noah engulfs me in a hug. But I push him back. "Get Out!", "Maddison please just list..." Noah tries to talk to me, "NOOO.... You knew all along he was to be engaged, YOU KNEW", "I know but I thought he had it sorted, I thou.... ", "GET OOOUT NOW!" He looks into my eyes pleading with me. "I think its best if you just go to the waiting room" Aunt Becca snaps.

Kirsten and Jesse walk in Kirsten rushing to myside. I could hear Noah crying which hurt me knowing I caused that. The door swings open and an older gentleman walks in. "I think its best if anyone who isn't immediate family leaves" Jesse nods, "I'll be right outside". Aunt Becca refuses to go. "She's family", I say and the doctor nods. "We ran some blood tests last week while you were unconscious, to make sure the sleeping tablets were completely out of your system, thinking that, that might be the cause of you not waking up. There was no trace of it which is a good thing, so we put it down to over exhaustion and your body and mind just need time to heal, but we did find traces of HCG in your blood".

My Aunt gasps, and my dad looks as shocked. "What does that mean?" I ask the doctor. "Maddison, you are about 2-3 weeks pregnant, we will have to run some more tests and do an ultra sound to make sure your suicide attempt didn't affect the child". "I'm pregnant.....", Kirsten gasps, "is it... Maddi, this changes everything... you have to tell Talon" she says freaking out a little. "No I don't... It's not his, Talon and haven't slept together since before we broke up." I lie. I'm not sure why I did. But I don't want him to want me because I'm pregnant. Having a child won't make him love me. "ohh, then whose the father?" she asks.

Broken (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora