-Chapter Three-

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Soon enough it was lunch, Bes and Mark were leaning on the lockers beside mine and Jules was in her locker two down from mine, looking in her mirror applying more lip gloss. "Will you hurry up, it's taco day" Mark sighs. I shut my locker and look over to him. "sorry, I didn't get a chance to put my books away this morning, I had a meeting with the counsellor. So I thought I'd organise my locker before we head to the cafeteria. You can go now if you want and I'll catch up" I sigh. Loud laughter beams from the end of the hall heading towards us.

I look over and see Talon, Liam, Parker, Drew and Noah walking our way. "MADDISON" I flinch, as Noah shouts my name very loudly. Within two seconds I'm engulfed in a bear hug. "how are you?, I missed you! You smell nice" Noah says while sniffing my hair, Bes and Mark snicker beside me as Jules gasps and shuts her locker walking towards us perking her chest out to make it look bigger.

"Hey Noah" I look up at him and see his whites of his eyes are red. "Are you stoned?" I question quietly, he places a finger to my mouth hushing me "shhh, beautiful do you want me to get in trouble?" he laughs. "do you know her?" Drew asks Noah looking between us, "yeah, she's my new bestie" he reply's with a grin. I look up and see the guys behind Noah, Drew and Liam look a little shocked, while parker is standing next to Jules playing with the pony tail oblivious to any conversation going on. 'man, how stoned were they'.

Talon is leaning on the lockers behind him with one foot up and a bored look on his face. he hasn't changed much in three years the only difference id he has stubble on his chin, making him look more grown up then the boy I first met.

"Maddi, Taco's please" Mark sighs quietly obviously hungry. "TACO'S?? ITS TACO DAY!!!!" Noah shouts and races off towards the cafeteria with the others racing after him except Talon who slowly lifts himself off the lockers and walks away. Mark and Bes then skip ahead hand in hand toward the direction Noah just screamed down.

"What the hell, Maddi since when are you 'Besties' with Noah freaking Fisher?" Jules questions as she links arm trotting after them. "I'm not, I bumped into him on my way to English and he walked me to class that's all" I simply say. "that's all, THAT'S ALL, that's all she says, I'd die to have Noah walk me to class. Sure his not Talon but he is still hot" I roll my eyes at her little outburst.

We sit at our normal table as mark and Bes walk over, mark looking a little sad. "what's wrong?", "they sold out of taco's mark pouts. "Oh Mark I'm sorry, if it makes you feel better i'll make you tacos on Saturday or Sunday?" I ask him feeling a little bad that I made him miss out on taco's. Mark loves his taco's. "ok" he sighs.

"Maddison" Noah says sitting his tray down next to me, his tray is full of around twenty taco's "did you get any taco's?" I shake my head "no, apparently they have sold out" I glance at his tray chuckling. "oh, yeah I took them all, here" he laughs handing me three taco's. "thanks Noah" I say smiling. He kisses my forehead making me freeze as he stands. "I'll see you around beautiful". I watch as he walks away heading towards to doors leading to the quad.

I feel all my friends eyes on me as I glance up. "what the f...", "wait what?", "how come he gave you taco's?", my friends ask at the same time. I couldn't help but laugh handing Mark two of the taco's making him frown turn into a big smile "I still want taco's on Saturday or Sunday". I ignore the questioning glares from the girls as I eat my own taco.

The rest of the day flies by and I'm currently lying on my bed waiting for josh to call me.


I sit up looking over at my window seeing josh outside smiling "let me in, its cold out here" he says. I rush over and open the window to let him in. "I thought you were going to call me", "yeah but I needed to see you, I missed you" he wraps his arms around me kissing my lips. "I missed you too" I reply kissing him back.

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