-Chapter Four-

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Two weeks had flown by, Saturday morning after her date over breakfast Kirsten told me all about it, that night I had Bes and Mark over for a fast and the furious movie marathon, where I made taco's for dinner as promised. Jules had gone out to a party that Liam was hosting. Having to pause the fourth movie half way threw to answer a call from Noah who had stolen my number off of Jules.

He had called to try and get me to come to the party, eventually giving up and telling me he would see me on Monday. On Sunday Jules had called me to tell me about the party apparently Noah was so wasted he jumped from the roof into a pool, naked. Then eventually passed out on the sofa in only his boxers. She also told me how Talon and Lexi were fighting again, sounding overly excited about it. "I think it's over, over this time, I might have a shot now" rolling my eyes saying our goodbyes.

Dad was working all weekend, only coming home for a change of clothes and then leaving again. Which wasn't unusual if he had a big case to work on. Kirsten also went out with Jesse again on Sunday. "He is perfect" she'd sigh flopping onto her bed. I've barely heard from Josh which was normal so close to the grand final. His couch was putting pressure on them to make sure they beat our team.

Our school are the reigning champs 4 years in a row. Their team is second best. They have been training hard every day, the game being in eight days, in hopes of finally winning.

Its now Wednesday evening having finished dinner and helping with the dishes I open my bedroom door and jump when I see josh sitting on my bed "jeez, josh you scared the crap out of me" I walk over and sit cross legged on the bed. "Sorry peaches" he says as he kisses my lips.

**************mature scene**************

He suddenly deepens our kiss as his hands run up the back of my shirt. "Josh, Kirsten's home, we can't" I pant as I pull away. "I saw Kirsten leave as I was climbing up the lattice" he states pulling me back kissing down my neck. "well in that case" I say as I pull my shirt off throwing it on the ground. I slowly taking my leggings off.

Leaving me in only my underwear. Josh hoovers over kissing my neck, back up towards my chin, then kissing me again. I feel his hard length pushing against me through his jeans. I reach down to undo his pants as he lifts his hip to help as I get them half way off I take my underwear off while he kicks off the rest. He looks down at me and waste no time and put a condom on then pushes the tip against my entrance. "Josh" I moan.

He takes that as I sign and pushes in to me. ...one thrust... two thrusts...three thrusts... "fuck Peaches, I don't know if I can last much longer" Josh pants. 'please try' I plead in my head as I am slowly starting to enjoy this. "FUCK", "Josh" we moan ...four thrusts... "Faaahhhhh" he growls as fills up the condom and rolls off panting. I on the other hand haven't even came let alone started to breathe heavy. Josh and I have been sleeping with each other for a year, and it always goes the same way every time. I thought maybe it was because we were virgins but I soon realised that's not the case, but I'm not sure what it is.

He sits up and pulls the condom off and tosses it into the bin next to my desk and gets dressed as I sit up and get my pj's on.

##############End of Mature Scene#############

I grab my laptop and put Netflix on as I get comfortable under the blankets hear josh take his jeans off and jump in with me spooning me from behind as we watch the avengers eventually drifting off to sleep.

.... Darkness .... Screams .... Crashing .... Tears ....

I jolt up from my lying position, "Maddi, Maddison breathe, Maddi shhh" Kirsten says from beside me. "It's ok Maddi, calm down" I hear Josh say as he rubs my back feeling a little tense. I take deep slow breathes as I feel myself relax. I look at Josh who looks scared and has a red mark under his eye. "what happened?" I look at Kirsten confused. "you were having a nightmare, you started to thrash around and when I tried to wake you up you punched me, then started to scream, and with that Kirsten flew into the room and coaxed you out of your sleep" Josh explains sounding tired and hurt.

Broken (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora