I Ain't Shit Pt. 2 (40)

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(Jesse pictured above)

March 13th, 2018
Beverly Hills, CA
Ariana's House
11:43 PM

Ariana POV
"Ari you better behave", Courtney said as I walked off.

I watched as Y/N and Demi stood across the room looking at me as I approached them. I was annoyed and they could probably read it on my face. I don't remember telling Y/N that she could invite Demi and I damn sure don't appreciate her bringing her here without my permission. She knows how I've been feeling about them lately but it doesn't seem like she cares.

"Hey baby", Y/N said smiling at me awkwardly.

She reached in to give me a kiss on the lips but I turned my head slightly causing her to kiss my cheek. I could tell now that she knew that I was pissed. I think that anybody who looked my way could read the discomfort on my face.

"Hi", I replied.

"Hey Ari!", Demi said as she reached in for a hug.

"Hey girl", I said putting on a fake smile.

"Um, I know I just got here but I really gotta use the lady's room Ari"

"Yeah sure no problem", I said trying my best not to roll my eyes. "You remember where the bathroom is right?"

"Yeah I do. Be right back"

I waited for Demi to walk away for me to turn my attention to Y/N. Not going to lie, I was a little tipsy. Not tipsy enough to cause a big scene but tipsy enough to say what was on my mind.

"Babe before you say anything I——", Y/N spoke up.

"No you don't get to talk to me", I said rolling my eyes.

"I just thought it would be nice for you to see us together so that I can show you that we're just friends"

"Y/N I honestly don't give a shit about what you think you're trying to prove to me okay?", I yelled slightly.

I don't even think anybody noticed our animosity. The music was pretty loud and everybody was either drunk or high so we were in our own world. I started to walk away but Y/N grabbed my arm in my rush.

"Ouch!", I screamed lightly.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry babe", she said letting go of my arm.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I didn't mean to", she spoke up. "You just started walking away so fast I panicked. I'm sorry"

"Whatever Y/N please just leave me alone for the rest of the night", I said letting out a loud sigh.

"We can talk about this babe. C'mon let me just talk to you upstairs"

"No, not right now. I want to enjoy myself so don't fucking follow behind me okay? Just let me be"

Before Y/N could respond, someone ran up behind her and covered her eyes with their hands. I swear that I could feel myself getting frustrated and annoyed but once I realized who it was, a smile instantly lit up on my face.

"Guess who?", I heard him scream in Y/N's ear over the music.

I guess Y/N recognized his voice despite the noise. She immediately grabbed his hand and pulled it from around her eyes before turning around to pull him in for a big hug.

"Jesse!", she said with this big smile on her face.

I haven't seen Y/N smile that big in awhile. They stayed in the hug for a few seconds before pulling away causing Jesse to revert his attention towards me.

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