Ex Calling (11)

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(Ariana pictured above)

November 19th, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Kobe Steakhouse
2:45 PM

Ariana POV
I sat and smiled at Y/N as she rambled on and on about something. We're having a quick lunch at some restaurant but I was barely listening to anything that she had to say because I was too focused on her eyes and her lips. For the past two weeks, things between us have been going really good. We've been going on a lot more dates and our relationship has been blasted all over the blogs but we still have yet to make things official between us. I mean it's been over a month since we've been actually seeing each other. I don't think we've actually had a conversation about it but whenever we're together, you'd think that we were in an actual relationship.

"Did you even hear anything that I just said?", she asked smiling at me.

"No not really", I said honestly.

"Ariana c'mon this is really important", she giggled.

"Okay I'm all ears. What did you say?"

"I was talking about work and a bunch of other shit"

"Okay, what's wrong?"

"I really need to find a new assistant and I'm having trouble looking for one", she sighed.

"Why are you in such a rush?"

"You know I'm going to New York this week so I need someone to help me with my schedule and shit"

I mentally rolled my eyes thinking about the trip she's going on. Apparently, she has a ton of studio sessions but all I'm really thinking about is her not being here with me. I was hoping that I could spend time with her for Thanksgiving but she won't even be here.

"I can help you if you want?", I said honestly.

"Yeah but baby I need someone who can make my appointments, organize my schedule, answer my emails and other shit like that"

Y/N continued rambling on and on but I was too focused on her calling me baby. She says it sometimes whenever she talks to me but not all the time. But I swear whenever I hear her say it, it makes me feel good. Even though I feel this way, the thought of us not being officially together makes me nervous about the things she could be doing when I'm not around. I mean I trust her with all my heart but we're just dating. She can do anything that she wants and I can't really say anything about it.

"What's on your mind?", she asked distracting me from my thoughts.

"Oh nothing", I lied.

"C'mon what's up?"

"Well, I was just thinking about us and what this is", I said honestly. "Like I don't want to sound needy or anything but what exactly are we Y/N?", I asked.

"What do you mean?", she asked before taking a big sip of her drink. "You're my girl"


"Yeah. What did you think that I'm sleeping with you and messing with other people?", she giggled.

"Well we never talked about it so I don't really know what exactly is going on between us"

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