Mommy Issues (16)

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November 24th, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Y/N's House
2:09 PM

"You think she's seeing somebody else?", Ricardo asked as he rolled a blunt.

"I hope not. I don't really want to think that she's cheating and shit"

"True but be prepared just in case", he said handing me the rolled blunt.

I sighed and grabbed my lighter off of my couch. Ricardo and I just chilled for a bit and shared the blunt with each other. I haven't talked to Ariana since last night and since then my mind has been on a complete spiral. Who the hell could she even be meeting up with and why is she not telling me about it? I looked over at Ricardo and I don't know how but he was knocked out snoring on the couch. Every time we smoke he does that. I guess weed makes him sleepy. My phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket and a message from Ella popped up.

[Ella]: hey Y/N, a little birdie told me that you were back in town. I have a doctors appointment today. I was just wondering if you wanted to come?

I stared at my phone for a few seconds when I saw Ella's message and figured why not so I sent her a quick reply.

[Y/N]: sure, what time?

[Ella]: it's actually in an hour

[Ella]: I didn't know you were going to be here so sorry for the late notice

[Y/N]: it's okay I'll be there

Ella sent me a rebuttal text with the location and I quickly nudged Ricardo so that he would get up. It took a few hits on his side but after a few seconds he woke up out of a deep sleep and let out a loud yawn.

"Bro, I'm about to meet up with Ella really quickly"

"Wait you two are still hooking up since the break up?", Ricardo asked obviously confused.

"No boy, she has a doctors appointment"

"Oh alright then imma dip"

"Alright man"

I watched as Ricardo stood up and took the last rolled joint on my coffee table and put it in his pocket. I giggled but got distracted when I heard my phone buzz in my pocket again.

[Ari]: hey baby

[Ari]: sorry that I'm just texting

[Y/N]: what were you doing?

[Ari]: I actually just woke up

[Y/N]: babe it's almost 3 p.m.

[Ari]: I know baby but I was really tired from last night

[Y/N]: right

[Ari]: are you okay?

[Y/N]: I'm fine

[Ari]: you sure?

[Ari]: you seem upset

[Y/N]: I'm not but I gotta go. I'm meeting up with Ella at the doctors

[Ari]: really?

[Y/N]: yeah so I gotta go

[Ari]: okay I'll see you later then?

[Y/N]: yeah, okay

Okay, maybe I was being a little rude to Ariana but she was lying to me what was I supposed to do? I honestly can't help it when I'm angry. I put my phone back in my pocket and got up from the couch and put on some proper clothing. I swear almost 30 minutes went by so I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car. The sun was beaming in my face but I expect it almost everyday in LA. After about 15 minutes, I pulled into the parking lot and saw Ella standing outside by the door. I luckily found a parking space right in front of the building. I quickly got out of the car but when I saw who was standing next to Ella I got nervous quickly.

"Well, well, well look at who it is", my mom said giving me a death stare.

"Mom? What are you doing here?", I asked completely terrified.

I haven't told my mom that Ella was pregnant yet mostly because I know how she would react to the news and it wouldn't be pleasant. Her and Ella never really got along so I'm pretty shocked that they're even standing next to each other right now.

"You don't know how to say hello?", she asked me.

"Hey mom", I said reaching in for a hug. "Hey Ella", I said slightly smiling at her.

"Well hello to you too", my mom said slowly pulling away. "Hey Y/N", Ella said smiling back.

We all walked inside the doctors office and we sat down as Ella signed in at the counter. I could tell my mom was holding in cursing at me but to be honest I didn't want to hear it right now. Ella waved over at us to follow her and a nurse to a room.

"Um who's the other parent?", the nurse asked.

"Uh it's me", I said lowly.

"And you are mam?", she asked referring to my mom.

"The grandmother"

"Okay unfortunately nobody but the parents are allowed in the room on the first ultrasound appointment. Any day after today you're allowed"

"What? Wow, okay", my mom said walking back to her chair in the lobby.

Ella and I continued following the nurse into the room and when we walked in there was a big ultrasound in the corner and she walked over to set it up.

"I'll be right back guys", the nurse said walking out of the room.

Once she closed the door, I immediately turned my attention over to Ella.

"Why did you invite my mom today?", I asked her.

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning I haven't told her shit about this yet. You know how she is", I said with annoyance in my voice.

"I thought you already told her Y/N. She seemed like she knew when I talked to her on the phone"

"Of course she did! I'm not surprised"

My mom doesn't believe in having children out of wedlock. That's once thing she always pleaded with me not to do. I get it. She's old school so I'm expecting a huge blowout later. I don't doubt it.

"I'm sorry"

"All you ever do is say sorry", I said rolling my eyes. "Whenever you plan on doing something dumb let me know first"

"Well I thought she deserved to know but obviously that's not the case"

Before I could respond, a gynecologist walked into the room and introduced herself to us. She checked to make sure that the baby was okay and everything went by smoothly. Ella was quiet the entire time, shockingly enough. She didn't look very happy. I don't know why.

"You okay?", I asked as she got up.

"Please just leave me alone okay?"

"What did I do to you?", I asked.

"Just don't project the issues that you have with your mom on me again. We're not together anymore right? So I really don't want to hear your shit okay. Anything that doesn't have to do with our child please just leave me out of it"


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