First Fights (14)

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A/N: this is a short chapter, next one is gonna be long

November 22nd, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Ariana's House
11:45 AM

Ariana POV
I laid down in bed just staring at Y/N's chat not sure if I wanted to talk to her on not. She messaged me this morning but I just don't know if I want to respond to her. Yesterday it honestly seemed like she thought what she said was completely okay and that annoyed me. The one thing that I saw coming is already happening. Her ex is ruining everything and it's also hard to believe that the baby that she's supposedly carrying is Y/N's. Who's to say she isn't lying again?

"Why won't you just message her already", Victoria said quickly distracting me from my thoughts.

"I think I want to make her wait so she can think about it I guess"

"Didn't she message you hours ago?"

"She did but I just read it"

"What does it say?"

I looked down and read Y/N's message out loud. She said that she felt really bad about how things left off yesterday and just wanted to talk to me. I looked over at Victoria who had this face filled with anticipation so I just decided to text Y/N. I'm not going to lie, I miss her already and she hasn't even been gone that long. I honestly wish this Ella chick would leave us alone because at this point she's just ruining things between us and that's the last thing that I wanted to happen.

[Ari]: hey

[Ari]: sorry I'm just responding

[Y/N]: no it's okay! I'm just happy you're responding at all

[Y/N]: I miss you and I'm sorry about yesterday

[Y/N]: I really don't care about what Ella thinks. I was just telling you what was on my mind baby

[Ari]: yeah I know but I'm just frustrated

[Y/N]: can I call you?

[Ari]: yeah sure

I looked over at Victoria who was now watching some random video on Instagram so I just decided to sneak away into a different room. I passed my kitchen and saw all of my staff prepping for Thanksgiving tomorrow. When I got to one of my empty guest rooms, my phone began to ring and I quickly picked it up. Y/N looked like she was in the studio with an artist but that doesn't matter, hearing her voice makes me feel a little better.

"Hey beautiful", she said smiling.

"Hey", I smiled lightly.

"You're still mad aren't you?", she asked me.

"I'm more annoyed than mad at you"

"Why? I said I was sorry"

"I know but—"

"But what?", she said yelling at me.

"Nothing", I said completely annoyed now.


"If you're going to keep yelling at me, I don't think I want to talk to you"

Before Y/N could respond, Victoria walked in quietly obviously looking for me. I quickly put my hands up to indicate that I was on the phone before Y/N began to talk. I thought that she would leave the room but like a best friend, she sat down next to me to listen to our conversation.

"Ariana you're acting like I didn't apologize"

"And I appreciate that but that isn't the only reason I'm mad"

"So you admit that you're mad?"

"Yes Y/N", I said honestly. "You're letting your ex get in between us and it's pissing me off"

"Well I don't know what the fuck you want me to do?", she yelled at me. "She's most likely carrying my child and I already told you that you didn't have to deal with this if you didn't want to!"

"So what the fuck is she trying to say?", Victoria whispered to me.

"So what are you trying to say? Because it sounds like you're trying to say something"

"I'm not saying anything but the way you're talking makes me think that you don't want to be with me", she said staring at me.

"You're the one that thinks you moved on too fast"

"I didn't say that, Ella said that, and maybe she was a little right"

"Oh really?", I scoffed.


"Okay fine", I said completely pissed off. "Call me when you're done listening to your bitter ass ex and you're ready to have a real adult conversation"

Before she could even respond, I quickly hung up my phone and threw it to the side.

"What the hell just happened?", Victoria said completely confused.

"I don't know and to be honest I don't really care"

"Are you gonna call her back?"

"No I'm not going to let her ruin the rest of my day", I said honestly. "If she wants to talk to me nicely then I'll talk but until then I don't want to hear anything she has to say"

"Where you going?"

"Outside to catch my breath", I giggled.

"I still don't understand how that escalated so quickly but okay sis", Victoria said giving me a shady look.


"You love her again don't you?", she asked.

"Maybe", I said shyly.

I sighed and walked outside to catch a quick breath of air. Victoria wasn't lying, I love Y/N with all my heart but I don't know if I'm able to deal with everything that comes with being with someone who's about to have an alleged baby. I don't want to fight with her and that's all we're doing. I just want this to be over with.

I want my girlfriend back to normal.


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