Terrible News (31)

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(Ariana pictured above)

January 3rd, 2018
Beverly Hills, CA
Ariana's House
11:12 PM

Yesterday, Ari and I just sat in utter silence for hours. I was so caught off guard by the question that she asked but I found a way to change the subject completely. I don't think she wants to know my body count. That's really weird in my opinion. I'm thankful that I can count the number on my fingers but I just think that certain things like that should be left in the past. I for sure don't want to know how many people she slept with after we broke up. A conversation like that could open a can of worms that we don't need right now. We've just come from the game tonight and I honestly had a lot of fun. Ariana looked amazing as usual too. She had on the usual fit, an oversized hoodie with heels but she looked really good.

"I love you", Ariana said smiling at me.

"Mm I love you too babe", I smiled back.

"Are you going to come inside?", I asked.

"Babe not if your dad's still here"

"C'mon please", Ariana begged. "He's leaving soon"

"Why do you want me to come inside babe?", I asked.

"Just for a night cap babe"

"You're leaving me no choice now huh?"

"Nope", she said smiling.

"Okay fine but I can't stay long I have a studio session tomorrow morning"

"Okay that's fine"

Once I got inside, Ariana already started kissing on my neck immediately. We trailed all the way to her kitchen and we made out there. I reached out and gently wrapped my arms around her wait. In return, she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a peck on the lips one more time. Things began getting heated as she pushed me up against the wall. After about 10 minutes of making out, I pulled off Ariana's hoodie leaving her in her underwear only. I moved my lips to her chest and began to tease her with my tongue. She moaned a little and all of a sudden the lights in the kitchen were shut on scaring us both.

"Dad!", Ariana yelled.

"Oh my gosh", Ariana's dad said walking back out of the kitchen. "Sorry", he said awkwardly.

I pulled away as Ariana bent down to put back on her shirt once she heard her dad close his room door.

"Um I think I'm going to go", I said awkwardly.

"Okay I get it", she said kissing me once more. "I'll see you tomorrow?", she asked.

"Yeah definitely"

I walked towards the door with Ariana's hand in mine. She leaned in to give me a kiss before pulling away and heading back inside. While I walked to my car I stared at her as she walked back inside. She still looked good from behind. I smiled as I pulled off to head home but unfortunately my phone starting ringing out of nowhere. It's really late so hearing the ringing caught me off guard. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID to see that it was Ella's mom, Sofia. We haven't seen or heard from Ella in days so this is probably what this call was about. I just hope that she's okay.

"Hello?", I said quickly.

"Y/N I'm--", Sofia said crying barely finishing her sentence.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

I could hear crying in the background and Sofia was breathing hysterically but whatever she wanted to say she just couldn't get it out for some reason.

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