Studio Sessions (1)

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(Ariana Grande pictured above)

October 8th, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Republic Records Recording Studio
10:36 PM

"Sorry I'm late man", I said as I walked into the studio.

"It's alright. We're still waiting on her", Pharrell said playing with the dash.

Today is my day off but of course, in the music industry you don't really have any days off. Pharrell hit me up an hour ago about an urgent studio session with some Pop singer. He didn't tell me who she was but he just told me to get my ass over here because he needed me. I'm a 4x Grammy-winning music producer and songwriter. I started getting more serious shortly after I got out of a relationship and now I'm 24 years old doing pretty big things in the industry.

"So who's this pop singer Pharrell?", I asked him.

"Uh does it really matter?", he smiled.

I've known with Pharrell since I started getting serious with music. One thing that I know is Pharrell only smiles when he's doing something smart or when he's messing with somebody.

"Pharrell stop playing with me man? Who's the pop singer?", I questioned.

"Promise not to get upset?"

"Why would I get upset?", I chuckled.

"Uh it's Ariana", he smirked.

My heart sank to the floor when I heard that name. I haven't spoken to Ariana since we broke up a few years ago. I saw her at the Grammy's but we didn't speak to each other. It's not like we broke up on bad terms or anything but her dad/manager insisted that she focus on her music career. After the breakup, we promised each other that no matter what we would still remain friends but that promise didn't last very long. She tried getting into contact with me but I ignored her messages when I found out about her new relationship. It hurt when she broke up with me but I guess you live and learn. I ended up meeting my fiancé, Ella, in the end and she makes me real happy even though sometimes I do miss Ariana.

"Now before you get upset——", Pharrell broke the silence.

"I'm not upset. I'll just do my job Pharrell"

"Okay great. I kind of expected you to go apeshit on me but I'm happy you're not upset"

A few minutes went by and I heard the studio door open for a few seconds and close quickly. I was pretty nervous to look up so I just pretended like I was texting someone on my phone. I heard a few recognizable voices in the background and I could hear Pharrell talking with a few people but what really caught my attention was Ariana's sweet voice. I swear I could recognize her voice anywhere.

"Hey Y/N", I heard her say as she stood in front of me.

I slowly looked up to meet with Ariana's dark brown eyes. She had her hair up in a ponytail and I'm going to be completely honest she looked absolutely beautiful. She had this big awkward smile on her face as she waited for me to say hi back but I was all too focused on her face and her lips.

"Y/N?", she said breaking the silence once more.

"Uh sorry", I chuckled. "Hey", I said reaching in for a hug.

She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around me embracing our hug. Damn did she smell good. I heard someone clear their throat behind us causing us both to break the hug. I looked back to see Victoria Monet with this big grin on her face. She's one of Ariana's best friends and she is one of the sweetest people I've ever met in my life. Always so supportive and encouraging when it came to our relationship and she pushed me and Ariana when it came to our craft.

Trial & Error (Ariana Grande/You)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ