Happy Halloween (5)

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(Ariana pictured above)

October 31st, 2017
Beverly Hills, CA
Ariana's House
8:50 PM

Ariana POV
"Why are you smiling like that?", Victoria asked me as I stared at my phone.

"Just something that Y/N sent me", I said honestly.

I could feel the slight interest by the look that Victoria and Courtney gave me from across the room. I didn't really have much to say except that Y/N and I were just talking on a strictly friend/business level. All we've been doing for the past few weeks is studio time and trying to dodge the paparazzi. I'm not going to lie I've tried to flirt a few times but no matter how hard I tried she always manages to find a way to change the subject.

"Have you jumped her bones yet?", Victoria asked giggling.

"Haha very funny"

"C'mon I know you want to"

Of course I do. Everyone knows I do but it's not that simple. I'm honestly still in love with Y/N and that's no secret. She was there for me through some of the best and worst moments of my life. Despite all of this, the last thing I want to be is the rebound she sleeps with and then completely forgets about.

"You should invite her tonight", Courtney suggested.

"You think so?"

"Hell yeah she was the one that came up with this anyways"

"Alright I'll ask her"

Every year on Halloween night, me and a group of friends all come together at my place to watch a scary movie. Y/N and I came up with it when we first started dating and it's always been sort of a tradition. When we broke up, she stopped showing up so I guess it would be kind of cool to have her back.

[Ari]: so wyd tonight?

[Y/N]: well I was going to a haunted house but my friends bailed on me so nothing 🙁

[Ari]: do you want to come to our annual Halloween Movie night thing? 👀

[Y/N]: you guys still do that?

[Ari]: of course we do so you should come

[Y/N]: depends on the movie because you always picked the lame movies lmao

[Ari]: lmao wow we're watching IT @ 10 pm

[Y/N]: okay I'm down

[Y/N]: you want me to bring anything?

[Ari]: just your cute self

[Y/N]: haha okay

[Ari]: oh and wear something comfortable like pajamas

[Y/N]: okay I will

I smiled and placed my phone down on the counter before helping Courtney and Victoria finish set up the living room for a proper movie night. About an hour went by and everybody started showing up one by one but the only person I cared to see was Y/N and she was right on time. She had on this cute Harry Potter themed shirt and a pair of shorts with slides to match. I swear even in her dorkiest outfit, she still managed to look so damn fine.

"Hey Ari", she said walking towards me.

"Hey", I said giving her a hug.

"Thanks for inviting me"

"Of course", I said smiling. "Um everybody seems like they had a drink or two before they came over so if you want something it's over there", I said pointing to the table across the room.

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