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Dean: You and Dean have a big German Shepherd named Shai. Dean got him to be a guard dog for you because you stay at the bunker a lot as a backup to call and to help with research.

Sam: You and Sam have two kittens named Dolly and Jojo. They are thin and grey, very lovable.

Cas: Cas has a weird obsession with guinea pigs so you've got two of them that live together in a great big cage. Their names are Lucille(Lucy) and Chrysanthemum (Chrysie)

Adam: You have a small hypoallergenic dog called a Bichon Frisé. You named her Molly.

Gabriel: you honestly don't know what kind of dog you have... He's big. He's a mix. He likes to cuddle and he's perfect. His name is Shmoo (named for my dad's dog)

Lucifer: you have a tiny Pomeranian (like Boo the Dog) his name is Blue. But he's not blue.

Balthazar: you have a very exotic pet that Balthazar got for you. You have a pet golden tiger. Rescued as a baby, you and Balthy raised Nakina the baby tiger. She now acts like a regular house cat.

Gadreel: you have a bunny, he is very soft and likes to be pet by you and Gadreel. His name is, Duffy.

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