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(Charlie is a lesbian so this is written girlxgirl. If you're not comfortable with that, that's okay just skip over this chapter and this little section in future chapters. Thank you!)

How you met: You were all dressed up in your fabulous Luna Lovegood cosplay at a ComicCon in Indiana, when a girl cosplaying as Hermione came up to you to get a picture. The girl was funny and geeky just like you, and you agreed to get lunch. This girl, when she took off her frizzy brown wig had short firey red hair but it only added to her great smile. Her name was Charlie Bradburry.

Your song: Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco

Her nickname for you: Daisy Top

Your nickname for her: Ginger Snap

Holding Hands: Now that you and her are going out, you go to Con's together a lot and you cosplay couples so you get to hold hands. But when you're not cosplaying you like to hold her hand because it's soft and warm.

Where she likes to kiss you: Charlie likes to kiss your cheeks because it gives you the giggles. And she loves you laugh.

When you're sick: When you're sick she cracks out the marathonable movies. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Mummy, Indiana Jones. All the greats!

Day out date: Charlie decided it was time of a day out that involved no hunting and no cosplaying. So you got in the car and drove to an antique store. You tried on all the old clothes and picked out some awesome antiques for the house.

Her clothes you wear: This is a two way street. Because you're both girls you wear the same sorts of clothes. So when you buy something she'll wear it. If she buys something you'll wear it. There is no my, and your clothes in this house it's "where is the blue dress" "I'm gonna wear the Star Wars shirt"

She pampers you: She pays for you both to get mani pedi's and full body massages together.

You get a piercing: In your youth you'd considered all sorts of different facial and body piercings. But as an adult you wanted ear piercings. You told Charlie about what you wanted to do and she agreed that you would look cute with more piercings but it was up to you if you got them or not. So you went out and got a double cartilage piercing on your left ear.

You dy your hair: Charlie dys her hair, you wanted to dy your too. So you went for pink, with purple high lights. Charlie joked that you looked like a princess.

Something She Loves about you: Your unending self confidence. You never question your appearance. Or fear showing your sexuality. You always just smile and be yourself.

Pets: Actually neither you not Charlie new you would be getting this. It was a Christmas gift from Dean and his girlfriend. Their German Shepard bred with another German Shepard and had puppies so they gave one to you. Yours is a girl her name is Kit.

You are injured: Once while you were baking a cake, just for fun, you had to climb up on the counter to get something from the top shelf. But just as you grabbed it, Sam and Dean opened the door quiet loudly. Kit started barking. You got startled and fell off the counter. When you came to, you were lying on the couch with a head ache and your arm wrapped. Charlie was yell whispering at Dean and Sam was holding out a glass of water for you to sip from.

How you sleep: All the cuddles! Limbs just everywhere!

Secret place: There's an itty bitty little Italian Ice shop in Southern California where you like to go. A block away is a gated community where you own a little bungalow. It's your get away retreat.

Married?: Gay Marriage was illegal in the state you lived in... So you and Charlie drove to Kansas where it was legal. Sam and Dean were there. It was nice.

Children?: Unfortunately you Charlie didn't go the sperm donor route or the adoption route. You deiced that kids would be too much of a hassle. But you had "nieces and nephews" (meaning Sam and Dean's kids)

Hugs: You love to give Charlie hugs. Jump on her back and giggle.

Video Games: Any X-box game and any Play Station game is fun for you and her. They always turn into competitions.

Turn ons: Your laugh, it makes her heart swell.

You die: Charlie was never supposed to get involved with hunting. And you were already together when she got involved. She was always honest about it, and told you everything. But she didn't want you to be involved, for fear of you getting hurt. That worst fear was realized, when a major power player killed you as an example and a warning to Charlie and the boys.

Love Notes: (This is after you get injured) You woke up with Charlie no where to be found. But you found a note taped to the refrigerator.

Daisy Top,

Dean called, he needs help with a case so I'll be gone for a few days. But don't worry Sam's gonna drive out to visit with you and help ya out. I love you so so much and I'll text you when I'm coming home!

~Ginger Snap

Nightmares: Nightmares don't usually happen in the Bradburry/(your last name) house. But every once in a while you or Charlie will have a night terror and will wake up screaming. You hold each other and reassure one another that everything is okay.

Self Harm: *** skipping sorry dears***

Dance Dance: You and Charlie have frequent miniature dance parties in your house when a good song comes on! Neither of you can actually dance but it's fun to pretend like you can.

Fights: Not often but sometimes you'll argue over her involvement with the Winchesters. You love Sam and Dean they're great, they're like brothers to you and Charlie... But they put Charlie at risk, and you don't want to lose her.

Cuddles: All the time. Always. While reading. Watching movies or TV. Sleeping. All the time!

Period: Two girls in one house, your periods sync up. So you are moody, and miserable together.

Winter: Snow ball fights!!!

Jealous: Men have a bad habit of looking at your ass. It upsets Charlie greatly. She gets very wordy and talkative. You tease her about it often. "You afraid these pigs are going to knock me straight?"

Dealing with death: ***Season 10 spoiler***When Charlie got killed you were beyond angry. Sam and Dean drove to your house... And told you what happened. You first reaction was shock. Followed by sadness... Followed by fury. You screamed at Sam. Things like "how could you!" "This is your fault" and "I hate you" and although you never got over it... You eventually after many months forgave Sam. But you never remarried or dated or even really got out of your depression...

Meeting your siblings/ best friends: You were an only child. But your best friend Jeff, who you had grown up with wanted to meet Charlie. They clicked! And instantly you were the Three musketeers!

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