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How you met: Through Sam and Dean of course. You were the daughter of a big time hunter friend of theirs, and although you were a hunter you didn't do much actual hunting. So the boys asked you if you would be willing to keep Kevin company, get him groceries, make sure he's sleeping and eating. You willingly agreed and moved into the bunker to stay full time with him.

Your song: We Found Love- Rihanna

His nickname for you: Cocoa Puff

Your nickname for him: Special K

Holding Hands: Sometimes you two like to sneak away from the bunker and go out into town. You hold hands and run down the streets happy to get away.

Where he likes to kiss You: On your nose. He loves the little smile you give when he kisses the tip of your nose.

When you're sick: He makes a thick soup. It's the one thing he can cook.

Day out date: He takes you out all day to a theme park in the next state over. Sam and Dean freak out of course and don't stop calling all day long, but you brush them off like yesterday's news and enjoy your day together.

His clothes you wear: He's got a red sweater that you borrow when it's chilly.

He pampers you: He takes you out and away from the bunker. Far away, out to the city and just let's you go where ever you want. Shopping. Food. Hair/nail salon. Anything.

You get a piercing: You got in a fight with Dean one evening, and didn't want to talk to anyone not even Kevin. You stormed out of the bunker, and took your car. Kevin shouted at Dean and slammed the door in his face saying he wasn't going to come out and work any more on the tablet until you came back. You drove out into town and spent some time in the back of a restaurant angrily eating fries and drinking sweet tea... Dean had yelled at you that you weren't tough enough to be a hunter. Maybe he was right. You didn't drink like him, or cuss, didn't do much fighting. But damn him. You paid your tab and went across the street and paid them extra to pierce your ears. Three on your right, two on the left. Double cartilage on the left, single cartilage on the right. You got home the next day, (you spent the night in the car). Kevin was terribly shocked about all the piercings but didn't discourage it in any way. After Dean apologized, you didn't take out any of the piercings, you liked them.

You dy your hair: after your little ear piercing fiasco. You took it one step farther and dyed the underside of your hair purple. Kevin never once doubted you, and let you go through you phase with all the love and support he had.

Something He Loves about you: your patience. He gets so angry sometimes, and you are so graceful in your calming ways of dealing with him.

Pets: Despite Dean's protests you got a cat. A sweet little grey cat that mostly just slept in your lap while you read books and Kevin deciphered the tablet.

You are injured: You and Kevin got into a car crash a few miles from the bunker. You had a slight concussion and a broken wrist. He freaked out and practically convinced himself that you were going to die, but you were fine.

How you sleep: When you can get him to sleep it's on the couch. Typically on you. His head on you chest, holding you tight. But you don't mind.

Secret place: It's funny, when life gets too stressful there's a room in the bunker the boys don't know about. It belongs to you and Kevin alone. It's always cold, and very tiny. Much cuddles and kisses happen in that room.

Married?: Sadly neither of you lived long enough to get married although you were engaged...

Children?: What do you think? No... You planned on it... One day... But life didn't let you get that far. (YOU WILL FIND OUT WHY IN THS "DEALING WITH DEATH" AND "YOU DIE" SECTIONS! GOOD LUCK)

Hugs: Hugs are very necessary for him. His constant stress his somewhat lessened by your gentle hugs.

Video Games: There's not a lot of time for Video Games... But a few times you tried to play some of Dean's games together. They're just too complicated.

Turn ons: Everything. Your body, your laugh, your humor, your smile, everything

You die: *Season 9 (I think) spoiler* Sam came home without Dean. That's weird... "Sam? You okay? Where's Dean?" Sam said nothing but approached you with a strange urgency. "Sam?" He stretched his hand forward and touched your head. You involuntarily let out a ear shattering scream as your eyes melted out if your head and your organs liquified... That wasn't Sam. (Will be continued ;) )

Love Notes:
Dear Cocoa Puff,
I know I normally take you with me when I leave the bunker, but I needed some time to breathe in some fresh air. On my own. I promise nothing's wrong, everything is fine. I just need a few hours to clear my head a little. I'll be home before dark, and I'll bring home some dessert. I love you so much.
Special K

Nightmares: He wakes up with nightmares more often then you would like. He shouted in terror and kicks around like a mad man. You have to pin him down and assure him that you are safe and he is safe and that everything will be okay.

Self Harm: Skipping!

Dance Dance: When no ones home... there's no one to stop you! So you go crazy!

Fights: They're always the same. "you don't understand (y/n)! You can't understand what this is doing to me! You don't... You can't..." And you just let him yell at you with a sad look on your face. But you don't cry. Never does he make you cry.

Cuddles: Sometimes you wrestle him away from the desk and get him to snuggle with you on the couch. He holds you by your hips and you run your fingers through his hair.

Period: He tries to help. He has every intention of helping. But there's nothing he can really do... He just reheats the hot water bottle and gets the chocolate from the top shelf.

Winter: Long walks in the snow!

Jealous: He snaps at people that flirt with you. You laugh and tell him that he is in no danger of losing you.

Dealing with death: (This one is different, it's the continuation of the "You Die") Kevin rounds the corner after hearing you scream just in time to watch you slide to the ground and not move. "(Y/n)!"He shouts and runs to you. "Sam what happened?" He looks up to see Sam's hand coming down onto him, before he experiences the same awful death you did. His body collapses onto yours. His soul stands up and looks forward. He sees you, also standing with tears streaming down your ghostly blue face. Tears rush to his eyes. Sam leaves the bunker... But neither of you move. Kevin envelopes you in his shimmering embrace. Dean comes in shortly after and calls for you both through loud sobs. But you don't don't move away from Kevin. Just stand in each other's arms beside a weeping Dean. That was the end of your lives. The wedding never happened. The tablet wasn't decoded. Kevin never saw his mother again. You never saw your father. That was it. It was the end. Dean took your bodies and burned them in the back. You attended your own funeral, long enough to give Kevin a ghostly kiss before passing on to the great beyond with him.

Meeting your siblings/ best friends: He never did get to meet your friends and family before your deaths.

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