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Adding Crowley, Catching Him Up to Speed!! Requested by the fabulous: @CharismaJaeLee

How You Met--

You met Crowley through Sam and Dean. You had been a hunter for a long time, but had never run with a pack until now. Sam and Dean summoned Crowley into their "Batcave" hide out to get information out of him. When he appeared in the room, he surveyed the people standing before him, making comments.

"Moose," he said looking at Sam
"Squirrel," Dean,
And... "Well well, a Peacock," he said complimented catching your eye.

"Keep your pea-cock in your pants, Crowley. Tell us how to-"

But Crowley wasn't listening, he was watching you and trying to catch your eye again.

Your Song--

Celestial by Phildel

His Nickname for you--

Darling, it's always Darling. Darling (y/n). My Darling!

Your Nickname for Him--

You reciprocate calling him Darling, but also call him King. My King.

Holding Hands--

When he gets the chance and spends his time off with you. Holding your hand is a big part of your relationship. Gaging the others mood based on how the are holding their hand. How tight. Any distracted movement? Shaking? It's a form of silent communication.

Where He Likes To Kiss You--

Crowley very much enjoys leaving trails of kisses on your back and across your a shoulders.

When You Are Sick--

Crowley doesn't need to eat or sleep. He doesn't get sick, and never has been before. So when you get a cold, or the flu... He leaves you alone and makes his best demons serve you.

Day Out Date--

He takes you out to a very nice lunch place, and out to a ballet or old style cinema.

His Clothes You Wear--

You wear his black dress shirt in the morning after getting up. He didn't like it at first, but then he saw you wearing it with just a pair of boy shorts underneath and didn't mind so much.

He Pampers You--

You look stressed, so he pays a world renown masseuse to come and work the stress knots out. And he also paid someone to play the harp while you got your back done.

You Get A Piercing--

Crowley came into the sitting room of the large palace you share with him. You were sat down on the sofa, reading. Crowley noticed something new on your left ear. Instead of just your usual single piercing. You now had 4, and a curling earring that went through all four of the little holes. Crowley found it extremely attractive.

You Dy Your Hair--

One day you decided that your hair no longer suited you, so without making any notification of your whereabouts you went out to a hair salon cut a quick trim to fit your new style and dyed the whole head a silvery white/grey color. Little bits of lilac and lavender peaked through the silvery white in places. When you got home Crowley was into ally shocked, but after a few moments of confusion, and shock he told you that he actually really liked it. And that you were right it did suit you.

Something He Loves About You--

He loved your confidence in yourself, you could walk tall although you were short. You always had an expression that showed your true self.


Although technically every hellhound in hell belongs to you, you don't find them particularly nice to keep around the palace. They make terrible messes, and drool everywhere! So as house pets you keep timber wolves. 6 of them. And one red fox that follows you wherever you go. The foxes name is Nibenwen, meaning small. The wolves are, Aurora, Orion, Takoda, Denahi, Kenai, and Aranel.

You Are Injured--

Crowley came home one day to find you in the library on the ladder to get a book from one of the top shelves. As he appeared in the room calling out your name, you got startled and fell from the ladder dropping the book in your hands. You broke your arm.

How You Sleep--

He is always late when I comes to coming to bed. So when he finally goes to lie down, you are already fast asleep, so he comes in changes and climbs in with you. Wrapping his arms around you protectively.

Secret Place--

There's a little town in Belgium... Where nothing happens, ever. You own the tiniest little house there. And when you go away for a weekend with Crowley, that's where you disappear to.


Yes, you got married and were named Duchess of Hell. Heir to the throne.


No. As the wife to King it's your duty to procedure an heir. But since you both are immortal anyway, you saw no point in the hassle.


Late in the evenings, when you were both finally not working. You don't say much but share very long hugs that say all the words that need to be said.

Video Games--

Horror games! Any and all horror games. The thrill when you play horror games together is unlike any other.

Turn On's--

Your evil laugh, ooh hot damn

You Die--

The Duchess of Hell was murdered by the Angel Zachariah of Heaven. As an example to Crowley, that if he did not comply to the demands of Heaven. They tortured her, beat her, touched her. And made Crowley watch.

Love Notes--

You woke up to find the bed cold, and empty. On your bedside table a black orchid, and a note.

Don't worry Love, I'm okay. However I will be out for a few days, those damn Winchesters have gotten themselves into a mess again. I'll be home soon, don't get into trouble



You wake up shaking with tears in your eyes... Crowley is not there and you cry out. Your shout resonates through the universe and reaches Crowley's ears. He appears in the room to cradle you and lul you back to sleep.

Self Harm--

You sit in the bathroom, in the empty bathtub fully clothed. Your black eye liner and mascara streaking down your tear stained face. Crowley calls out to you, from the other room. You look down at your arm with 7 lashes already made across it. Blood dripping onto the fabric of the long skirt you wear.

He comes into the bathroom, and seeing your face.

"Oh no, darling... Oh no no no," he cooed, rushing to you. You tried to back away from him, but only met the edge of the tub.

Crowley lifted you out and looked into your eyes, clouded with tears. "Darling," he whispered. You buried your face in his shoulder, and wept. He placed you down on the ottoman in the bedroom. And began to clean and wrap your arm.

"My sweet, let me help you. You have no need to mark your skin and cry alone,"

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