Finding her

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Alessandro's POV

I get in my car and rush to my house.

What the fuck? Why does this girl attract danger every time I'm gone?!

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I mumble speeding down the roads.

God fucking dammit. Why can't I keep her safe? I'm a fucking mafia boss and I can't keep one girl safe.

I finally get to my house and see the door broken open and tire marks leaving.

"ROSE?!" I call out in the house.

"ARE YOU HERE?! ARE YOU ALIVE?" I yell walking up to our room.

"FUCKING HELL!" I groan, punch a hole through my wall.

I see blood trail out from the bedroom.

"Please be okay Rose." I say out loud.

I pick up her phone. It's completely shattered. That's one thing I can do when I get her back, I'm buying her a new and better phone.

I turn on the phone. I look at all the missed calls she's gotten from Luca, Mateo, and I.



It's been a week and a half and I still can't find her. I haven't slept in a week and I won't sleep until I find her.

I get a call.

"I have your girl." Some guy says over the phone.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Oh you don't remember your old pal?"He says, his accent getting heavier.

"Fucking Dimitri." I groan.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask, getting tired of him already.

"The one thing I've wanted for years. I want you dead."

"Why? So your little gang can 'take over'?" I ask, with slight baby-talk at the end.

"You have 2 weeks to come find her or she'll be dead."

"Fuck off Dimitri. Give me my girl."

"No can do. Oh," He trails off. "Sorry for your loss." He says before hanging up.

"Stupido fottuto stronzo." I groan calling up Luca and Mateo.
(Translation- Stupid fucking asshole.)

And what the fuck did he mean by "Sorry for you loss?"


Mateo tried to track down the number.
Luca came over to stop me from going insane.

"Alessandro, sta bene. È viva e sta bene. Non preoccuparti amico, calm down." He says giving me a drink.
(Translation- Alessandro, she's okay. She's alive and okay. Don't worry man."

"How am I supposed to be calm when Rose could be dead? Or our baby?! Or both of them?! How am I supposed to stay calm, Luca?! HOW?" I say slamming the glass on the counter, shattering it.

"Fuck. Man, listen she's okay. I know she is." He says sipping his drink.

"I just want her to be okay." I say putting my head in my hands.

"And she is okay. Look, Luci's gonna be back from school soon. That's something right?" He shows me an email from Luci's obedient school. I sent her away mostly because I don't want her getting hurt while I'm flying from the U.S. to Italy and back and forth. But I guess it's good that's she'll be back.


Just a filler, the next chapter comes out in a few hours; should be around 3pm est and 12pm pst.

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