Our First "I Love You"

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Rose's POV

It's been a month and Alessandro is coming to pick me up from my class. I missed him so much! We called almost everyday but I still missed him. And being in class with a whole bunch of people in relationships made it worse. It's May though, meaning 1 month until I can finally graduate.
Mai and Luca have been dating for a while too. This is the most loyal I've seen this chick.

I'm currently waiting for Alessandro to pick me up off campus. It's 4:31pm...

He finally arrives and I glare at him. He walks up to me and hugs me.

"You're 16 minutes and 23 seconds late." I pout looking up at him.

"I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you." he apologizes. "But not today, I have a meeting." By "meeting" he most likely means he's talking to a "client"... That all means he's got someone to kill.

"Okay." I pout and walk to the car. "I missed you." I say when he enters the car.

"I missed you too mi amore." I missed that. I missed when he called me mi amore. I missed his hugs and kisses... I missed him.

Alessandro was busy for the past week so I didn't know if he was okay or not.
Mai and Luca made me feel like a third wheel and being in Alessandro's house just made me miss him more. So I went back to the books. I made up all the work I could from the few days I missed being with Alessandro.

We drive home and I sit in the living room watching TV.
Alessandro goes into his "conference room" to deal with the business he spoke about earlier.

I soon get bored with TV and tip toe to the room he's in. He's always told me to never go in there, so, I don't. I stand outside the door and peek in through the glass. It's a little too high for me but I manage to see something. I can also hear it.

"Tell me where the fucking money is or I'll blow your brains out." Alessandro says calmly but the look on his face says murder.

"I ain't tellin you shit!" I hear the guy yell.

"Oh shit..." I whisper when one of his men point to me.
I duck under the glass and hide behind the wall. I hear footsteps walk to the door and the handle slowly moves. The door opens and Alessandro looks at me like I just committed arso- no he'd be proud of me for that. He looks at me as if I cursed out his mother.

"What did I tell you about coming to this room amore? Especially when I'm here." he asks closing the door so I can't see inside.

I look away from him and at the floor.

"Answer me Rose."

He's pissed.

"You told me not to come to this room. You said not to look at it, look in it, go in it, or even think about it." I mumble.

"So why did you think it was a good idea to look in there while I'm working? It's very rare that I am actually in that room so why?"

"I don't know... I got bored and wanted to see you." I say with tears springing to my eyes. I have no idea why I'm about to cry. Why am I so sensitive?!

He sighs and leans down to me. "Darling, you've got to listen to me. I live a pretty dangerous life and I don't want you getting hurt. So when I tell you to stay away from someone or something, I mean it."

"Okay. I'm sorry Sandro. I just missed you."

He hugs me and kisses my forehead.

"I've got to finish this but when I finish, we can go to the movies?"

I've been asking to go to the movies with him for the longest. I've never been on a date at the movies despite it being a big cliche.

"Ooh! Yay! Movies!" I say excitedly. He laughs and gives me a kiss.

"We can go around 7."

"Mkay." I say walking away. He walks back in the room.

I kinda feel bad for the guy in there. He looked young, maybe 16-17 years old. He obviously did something bad though.

I walk upstairs and start getting ready. It's already 6 o'clock so I might as well start.

I shower and brush my teeth again. I grab some clothes and plop down on the bed for a moment.

"You are really dating a psycho, Rose. An actual Mafia Don. You are absolutely crazy for falling in love with him." I say to myself lying on the bed, in only my bra and panties.

"Okay get dressed before Alessandro comes up here." I mumble to myself getting up.

I put on a quick and comfy outfit and scroll on my phone.

It gets to 7:05 and I walk downstairs looking for Alessandro. He's just walking out of the room. He has blood on one of his hands and shirt. And a little on his shoes.

"Sandro, go take a shower. We're late." I say jokingly ordering him around.

"I'm sorry baby." he says wiping his clean hand through his hair.

"I would give you a kiss but you're covered in blood." I say laughing a bit.

He chuckles and walks upstairs and into his room.

***  *  ***

We get to the movies and I choose to watch the new Spiderman because I love the new ones with Tom Holland and Zendaya. Alessandro rolls his eyes and chuckles at my excitement about the movie.

We get to our seats and he hands me the popcorn.

I lean my head on him and wait for the movie to start.

***  *  ***

"BEST MOVIE EVER!!" I yell walking with him to his car.

"Rose why are you yelling?!"

"Why are you?" I poke his arm. I'm definitely on a sugar high. All that candy was not a good idea.

"Because you're yelling."

"Wellll... That's not a good reason to yell."
He rolls his eyes and I laugh.

We get in his car and I buckle myself in. He does the same and drives off.

"Alessandro?" I say as we pull into his garage.

"Yes baby?"

"I love you." I blurt out.

"I love you too." He leans over and gives me a quick peck.

That was our first I love you.
And it actually felt like he meant it.

*** * ***

That's all today luvs!
Stay Safe and Happy Reading!

Toodlesssssss <3

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