Taichi Fujisaki x Takaaki Ishimaru x Reader

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Requested by: N/A
Type: Fluff
Warnings: N/A
Note: I've created a new ship! Taichi Fujisaki x Takaaki Ishimaru! I've added you to be their child! The thing with Hiroko, Takaaki, and Taichi in high school, is an AU created by @BirthdaycakeXD What do you think? Please tell me in the comments. (You are a five year old girl in this btw) also, don't make fun of me please ;-;

H/C= hair color
E/C= eye color
F/F= favorite food

Your POV

"Rise and shine, angel." You heard, as the light turned on. You groaned, as you rubbed your e/c eyes. You sat up, and looked to see Daddy, standing in the door way. You yawned. "Papa is making tamagoyaki downstairs." He said. Your little, round face lit up. You ran to Daddy, and hugged his legs. He chuckled, and pet your h/c hair. "Okay, sweetie, I'll get you some clothes, okay?" Daddy said, as he walked to your dresser. He pulled out an outfit, and set it on your bed. "Get dressed hun, we've got a big day ahead of us." Daddy said, walking out the door and shutting it. You got dressed into your school uniform, and picked up your shoes. You walked down stairs, and saw Papa and Daddy hugging each other. Daddy's hands were on Papa's waist, and Papa was hugging his shoulders. And then, they kissed.

"Ew! No kissing!" You exclaimed. They flinched, and looked at you. Papa blushed and giggled as Daddy chuckled.

"Sorry, sweet pea." Papa chuckled. Daddy smiled.

"Go sit on the couch, Y/N. I'll turn on a show in a minute." You nodded, and sat on the couch. Daddy joined you, and took the tv remote. He turned the tv on, and played a show. Daddy took out a small box, and took out the white and orange stick thingy. And then lit this thingy on fire! He breathed in, and took it out of his mouth. He sighed, and smoke came out of his mouth!

"Papa! Papa! Daddy can breathe fire!" You exclaimed, excitedly bouncing on the cushions beneath you. Papa turned around, and walked to Daddy.

"Takaaki! What did I say about smoking around our daughter?!" Papa exclaimed. Daddy quickly put out the fire.

"You said not to..." Daddy sounded scared, it was funny though. You laughed.

"Daddy in trouble!" You teased.

"Yeah, Daddy's in trouble for sure." Papa glared at Daddy. He sighed. Papa kissed his head, sitting on his lap. You looked at the tv. "You've gotta stop when she's around, okay, Takaaki?" Papa mumbled, softly kissing Daddy's lips! He nodded.

"I'm sorry, sugar." Daddy rubbed Papa's thigh. He chuckled.

"It's okay, Takaaki. It's hard to stay mad at you." Papa said.

"On top of that, it's hard to stop smoking babe." Daddy replied. Papa pouted.

"I didn't say stop, just don't do it in front of Y/N. Please. She's so young, she doesn't need any of that in her lungs." Papa said. Daddy, smiled.

"I promise, sugar. I'll stop doing it in front of her." Daddy said, as they nose bumped. They kissed each others lips too! Ew! You thought.

"I love you, so much, Takaaki." Papa said, kissing him again. Daddy chuckled.

"I love you more, Taichi." Daddy said. He kissed Papa, as he stroked Daddy's cheek, smiling at him.

"Do you have work, today?" Papa asked.

"I do, but if you want, I can call out for today, for some... alone time with you, if you know what I mean~." Daddy told Papa, as he blushed.

"Nope! Don't even start, Takaaki!" Papa smacked his chest. Daddy laughed.

"But no, seriously. We need some time for... us, you know? Our anniversary is coming up, sugar. We need to celebrate it." Daddy said. Papa nodded.

"I'm aware, baby. We could give Y/N to Hiroko if you want-."

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