Souda x Gundham {Caught feels}

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Requested by: N/A
Type: Fluff/Angst/Smut
Warnings: smut warning, yeah
Notes: these are mufuckin' headcons. No one has cottages, my AU is where Monokuma put everyone in a big house, aight? Also, this is sdr2 anime, so they go to Hope's Peek, they're not on the island. Idk a thing about it, so yeah, go easy on me plz =,|

Gundham's POV

Walking down the hallway, I heard sniffles, and whimpering coming from the kitchen. I looked, to see Kazuichi, his head down on the island, sitting on a stool. It was late at night, my hair was down, and I was only in a white T-shirt, and black sweat pants and slippers. I was in need of using the restroom, and I looked for Fuyuhiko, as I knocked on the bathroom door, only to realize it was locked, and someone was in the shower. "Who is it?" I heard the familiar voice exclaim.

"Kazuichi is in need of your support. Would you please help him?" I asked.

"Is it about Sonia? Because if it is, I'm going to fucking kill him. I've told him over and over to forget about her." Fuyuhiko shouted. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly the door opened , and all but his waist down poked out. "Confort him the best you can, or get Nagito or something. I can't right now. If you end up comforting him, I should warn you, he can be an ass if he's having a depression episode. If he tells you to leave him be, do that please. I can't be blamed for another bite on someone's hand." Fuyuhiko said. And with that, he closed the door, locking it back.

"I will do the best I can, Fuyuhiko." I said, colliding my fingers.

"You better. But watch out." He shouted. I sighed, and walked to the kitchen, seeing Kazuichi, with his phone out, his head on the counter top, his eyes were puffy, and tears continued to make drying up tracks down his cheeks. I sat down by him, and he looked at me, and his saddened face turned into a cold one. He glared at me, and turned his head away from me.

"Kazuichi..." I spoke in a low tone to keep quiet.

"What." He said coldly. My heart ached a bit, for an unknown reason. I sighed.

"What is the reason of your sadness to tears..?" I asked him. He looked back at me, his glare remained.

"What is the reason to your existence?" He asked coldly. I put a hand on his shoulder, and he smacked it off. I yanked my hand back as if I touched something hot. "Leave me alone, bastard. You're the reason Miss Sonia doesn't love me..." he cried. I sighed.

"I'll have you know, I have no interest in the princess-." He cut me off.

"Bullshit..! I see how you look at her! Don't lie to me! Get the fuck out of my face, lying piece of shit..!" I looked down at my folded hands, fiddling with my thumbs. He started sobbing, though it was muffled by his arms. Unaware of what he was going to do to me, I leaned over, and wrapped my arms around him. He clenched his fists, and his sharp teeth. "Get. Away. From. Me." He seemed he's had enough.

"Kazuichi, I am trying to help... and calm down at least a little bit... please..." I said, a little scared. He hit his head on the counter, with trembling fists full of his hair.

"I can't, dumbass..! Th-the girl of my dreams doesn't return the feelings that I have..! Wh-what if she hates me..?! What if sh-she's not even interested in me at the slightest..?! Wh-what if..?!" He cried. He didn't even finish that sentence. All he did was... cry... "Gundham, as much as I fucking hate you, I'm sorry how I treated you just now. My dumbass can't take control over my emotions. I'm sorry, please just leave me alone..." he whimpered. I took his hand. He looked at me, wiping his eyes with his other hand.

"I accept your apology, and I know you love the dark queen much more than anything in the world. I would never do anything to hurt you in any way, shape, or form. You deserve to be happy, and I am sure she will accept your heart if you would just give it to her, not have her grab it, does that make sense?" I rubbed his back.

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