Fem!Souda x Gundham {Help}

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Requested by: N/A
Type: Angst/Fluffy ending
Warnings: domestic violence, rape, low self esteem, super long, I cried while writing this, there is a fluffy ending I swear to god.

Note: I chose this picture because Souda looks like a girl in it. Nothing in this book applies to me!!!!!

Souda's POV

Anxiety was making my stomach churn. I was cooking in the kitchen, cooking for my dad, and my dad only. He said I couldn't eat tonight, because I failed to help him receive over twenty customers in the shop. Which, I don't know how or why that was my fault. But I just know that I won't be eating tonight. My dad was sitting on the couch, watching a football game. I was cooking Hitsumabushi. For him, and it had to be perfect. Or else he would beat me, if only I cared. He does it just about every day of my life, so who was I to care? It's not like it's going to stop. I finished cooking, and my trembling hands put the food I onto a plate. I picked it up, shaking. I trembled to the living room, he looked at me. "Dad, h-here's your food...e-enjoy..." I quivered, as I set the plate in front of him on the coffee table. He glared at me.

"Go to your room." He said, coldly. I frowned. My stomach growled.

"D-dad...can I please get something to eat..? I'm really hungry..." I pleaded. He shook his head. "B-but dad, I haven't eaten dinner in two days...can I please-?" I was cut off my him slapping my face, I yelped and fell on the floor.

"You fucking hog. I saved up my own money, you must do the same to get yourself food. You will not eat off of my money. Understand, slut?" He asked me. I cried, as I nodded. I stumbled to my feet, and went to my room. I closed my door, and locked it. I leaned against it, and slid down, hugging my knees to my chest. I pulled out my phone, and texted Fuyuhiko.

Hey...dad said I couldn't eat again...yayy...

Well shit... I'm sorry. If I could, I would let you live with me, sister.

Fuyuhiko started this thing, where he calls me 'sister' because he's the only one that knows I'm a female. We have a sibling relationship, and he cares deeply about me, and I care deeply about him.

He hit me too, so yeah, probably not eating at the house anymore.

Bullshit! He's an asshole! I'm so sorry, sister! He needs to go to hell!

I giggled. If he ever goes to hell, I'd be happy. And when will that be? Never.

It's ok...I'll see you at school tomorrow, Fuyuhiko.

Ok, get some rest, sister. I'll see you tomorrow, I hope you stay safe through the whole night.

I promise you. I'll be ok. Good night.

Good night, sister. Love you.

I love you, too.

We always say 'good night' and 'I love you' to each other every night, and it helps me get better sleep. We were so close, but we aren't even dating. He said he had a crush on Peko, which I never minded. I had a crush on Sonia, even though she's dating Gundham. I never really liked him, but I never hated him either. I'm not even angry he's dating the princess. I'm saddened. I crawled under my thin blanket, took out my eye contacts, which were pink to, reveal my naturally brown eyes, and whimpered until I was crying myself to sleep.

D̶a̶n̶g̶a̶n̶r̶o̶n̶p̶a̶ O̶n̶e̶-S̶h̶o̶t̶s̶ [R̶E̶Q̶U̶E̶S̶T̶S̶ CLOSED AND ON HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now