
Start from the beginning

"Holy shit, what happened??" Cross glared at Killer, "You know what happened! You were probably the one who held me down! Weren't you! And you!" Nightmare blinked at Cross rounded on him. "I bet it was your plan! Baron ain't the type to plan something like that out! The worst that wimp can do is throw hands, he doesn't have to guts to put a tire to someone's face!" Nightmare stepped forward, going to grab the bandage. How did he not see it before?? It's impossible to miss. Killer glanced at said bandage, "Is that what happened?? You got wheel burned? Jeez. Did it hurt?" Cross's glare sharpened, "Of course it fucking hurt!" He failed to notice Nightmare reaching forward until he felt a harsh pain. He jerked away, stumbling as it grew worse. The bandage dangled stiffly from Nightmare's hand, Nightmare himself looking surprised.

"What the hell! I used all of my money for that thing!" Cross could already feel blood starting to condense on his cheek. Killer had paled. "That looks so bad. Is it infected?" Cross hissed, stomping forward to snatch his bandage back. "I don't know! Probably! Give that back!" Nightmare didn't. Instead, he threw it in the trash can, and watched as Cross's face flushed with anger. "You asshole! I needed that!" He shoved past Nightmare, snatching the bandage from the trash. He deflated as he found a greasy napkin stuck to it. "Great. Now I have to find something else."

Nightmare, in a split second that he'd probably regret, snatched Cross with his tendrils and knocked him out before he could protest. Killer stopped, staring at Nightmare. "What are you doing?" Nightmare dragged Killer behind him, "I'm taking him home." Killer stumbled after him with a yelp, cursing as he tripped. He snorted, "You're kidding right?" Nightmare said nothing. Killer jogged up behind him, his eyes wide. "Dude, Night, you're not serious, are you?" Nightmare glanced at him, shrugging. "I won't let him stay there, obviously. I'll just..." He waved his hands, trying to find the right word. "..aid him? Yeah, whatever. I'll give him some of my old clothes and some other shit and kick him out."

Killer protested, all the way to Nightmare's house. He continued to try and protest as Nightmare dug through his closet. "Look man, it can't get out that you helped the weird kid! Your reputation will be ruined! And what about Dream? And your friends?? You gotta think about this, Nightmare!" Killer watched as Nightmare folded a blue shirt and tucked it into a bag along with some shorts. 

"Dude, please. Reconsider." Nightmare huffed, shoving some socks in the bag. "They won't know if they don't find out. No one talks to him anyways, he won't tell anyone. That leaves you and me. I'm not telling. So what about you huh? Are you going to tell, just to prove a point?" Killer stared at him silently, speechless. Nightmare scoffed, zipping the bag up. "That's what I thought. Now move your ass and go raid the kitchen. I'll handle the bandages and the other shit." Killer sighed, and left the room, muttering to himself angrily.


Cross woke up with a gasp, sitting up in a flash. He shoved his hand into his pocket, taking out his dagger. He'd promised Epic he wouldn't use it for anything, but this was an exception. He gripped it tightly, crouching low as he tried to figure out where he was.

Couches, a tv, and a bunch of stuff that the author was too lazy to describe. Cross looked up quickly at the sound of clattering, tensing and creeping towards it. He peeked into a doorway, spotting the source of the sound. He stiffened as he saw the same guy from before. He furrowed his brow, thinking. Did they kidnap him? Why was he here? The guy turned around, digging through the fridge. Cross took the chance, sneaking up behind the guy. He took a deep breath, and tackled him, scrambling to lock his arms around him. The guy shouted, spinning around and knocking several chairs open in his attempt to dislodge Cross. He stopped thrashing as soon as he felt a knife on his throat. He cursed, sweat beading his skull.

Nightmare, who'd heard the crashing, came rushing in only to freeze at the sight. Cross was laying against the fridge, his arms keeping Killer's head turned up, to make room for the knife, and his legs were wrapped tightly around Killer's middle, crushing his arms to his sides and keeping him from struggling. Cross bared his teeth as Nightmare came in, glaring at him fiercely. "Where am I?" He demanded, pressing the knife down. Nightmare held up his hands, "Calm down, alright. You're at my house. Just, just let Killer go." Cross hissed, "Back the fuck up! Why did you kidnap me?" Nightmare stopped walking, cursing mentally. "I was going to give you some stuff. And I didn't kidnap you, I just didn't want to deal with something like this." Cross stared at him, trying to pick him apart and decide whether to give him the benefit of a doubt. Finally, to Nightmare's relief, he let Killer go and kicked him away. He kept his knife up, though, getting to his feet slowly.

"Um. Put the knife down-"

"No. I don't know you people, and I sure as hell don't trust you. For all I know, you could've called Chara and he's on his way right now. You called Chara, didn't you!" Nightmare shook his head quickly, "No, of course not." Cross kept his back to the wall, looking around the room and taking note of how many exits there were. "Look, do you want help or not?" Cross faltered.


To later times~


Cross carefully wound the old blue shirt Nightmare had given him around the dagger Epic had given him, quietly nestling them beside two other items in a box and sliding it underneath his bed. He silently fingered the box, starting at it sullenly before he stood from his crouch and left his room. The lights flicked off, the box still slightly poking out. 


Nightmare came knelt at Cross's bedside, feeling around for anything that could've been a knife or a knife container. He came across a box hidden far from the edges of the bed. He tugged it out, taking the lid off before pausing. He blinked. "That's..." He murmured to himself, brushing his hand over the cloth. It was his old shirt. Cross had kept it. Nightmare took the shirt, pulling it up to examine it. He flinched as the dagger fell out and hit the floor with a thump. "What..?" He gripped the pommel, holding it up to his eye, muttering the phrase etched into the grip. Nightmare lowered it, glancing between the shirt and the dagger. Keepsakes. That's what they were. Items Cross kept that represented the few moments of kindness from all his previous years. Nightmare pulled the box out fully, peering inside. There were two small trinkets nestled into styrofoam cocoons. Looks like Cross wanted them to stay unharmed. Nightmare glanced over his shoulder before he plucked both items from their homes. A golden heart locket and a.. wedding ring?

Curiously, Nightmare pried the locket open and grinned. A young version of Cross beamed at him from beside a human child. The child was smiling as well, their eyes shut and face partially hidden behind a curtain of dark hair. Cross and the child wore matching scarves, as well as matching outfits. Nightmare swiped his thumb over their faces, frowning as he came away with dust. The other half of the locket had tiny cursive words, the grooves filled with dust. Best Friends. Nightmare thumbed the letters a few times, eventually managing to wipe the dust away. The locket clicked when he closed it. He slipped it back into its cocoon. He spun the wedding ring around on his pinkie, turning it over and looking at it closely. Where had this come from? He flipped it around a few more times, but found nothing. Nightmare sighed and put it back as well. The dagger and shirt followed soon after. He closed the lid and pushed the box back where he'd found it, dropping the bed skirt and resuming his search. He'd wait before he asked.

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