Chapter Twenty ~ Va Te Faire Foutre

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Bellatrix begins slowly walking down the aisle, her dress looking fantastic, while everyone "Ooohhs" and "Ahhs".

When she reaches my father half way down the aisle, he takes her arm in his and they finish walking down the aisle.

The ceremony passes without any problems, except when Lilian decided to sit down half way through the vows and I had to gently pull her up.

Once Bellatrix and Rodolphus are officially married, they head back down the aisle together and then my family and I quickly clean up the ceremony and begin the reception.

I make polite conversation with many people, just smiling and bidding along to what they are saying, until it begins on muggle borns.

Everyone a conversation turns to this topic I try to excuse myself, but on the fourth occurrence I have just about had enough.

Normally I would be able to just grin and bear it, and despite not agreeing with their views I wouldn't oppose them, but now that is different. Ted has made me see that muggle borns deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and it completely disgusts me when I hear people talk about them in this way.

I'm chatting to my great aunt Clarissa and my great uncle Thomas during this conversation, and when they voice the opinion that all 'mudbloods' should be killed, I just quietly say, "No, they shouldn't.".

For a moment my aunt and uncle just look at me like I am crazy, but I just stand my ground. Nobody else in the room has picked up on the tension just yet, but I can feel my uncle's anger beginning to grow.

"What?!" he demands angrily, and I repeat myself simply, "I don't agree with you.".

"What!" he roars this time, taking a step towards me. Everyone in the room turns to look at us, but I just think of what I said to Bella earlier - it's now or never.

"I don't agree with you. I don't believe that muggle borns should be killed." I say loudly, letting everyone in the room hear me.

I know that I shouldn't create a massive fuss on my sister's big day, but somehow I don't get the feeling that she'll care. It's obvious that she doesn't truly love Rodolphus, and it is this that makes me realise that I need to get out.

I don't belong here. I really don't.

As I say my words, gasps sound from all around me. "What did you just say Andromeda?" my father asks angrily, and he and mother, along with Bellatrix, Cissy and Rodolphus, come over to us.

"I don't think that muggle borns deserve to be killed. Happy?" I say cheekily, so through with all of their pure blood mania crap.

I'm done.

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