Chapter Twenty-Two - Mon Cœur Bat La Chamande

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I arrive safely back to Hogwarts and then go and have a quick conversation with Dumbledore, just explaining what has happened.

"So please just send everything to me, not my parents." I say, regarding any school matters which would generally be dealt with by parents.

"Of course. Now, we have to talk about your safety. Do you feel safe staying in the Slytherin dormitories?" he asks, and I think for a moment. Huh, I haven't actually thought of that before!

"Maybe not." I say, thinking of some of the people in Slytherin, and how much easier it would be for them to get to me if I stay in the Slytherin dorms.

"Well that's ok. I have a spare area in the west wing if the castle where you may stay until the end of this year." Dumbledore says, and I smile.

We finish the meeting and he shows me up to my new living quarters and I get settled in, moving all my stuff.

I'll miss my friends, but I know that it would be impossible. Now that I've outed myself as a muggle born lover they won't want to be friends with me anymore.

Ah well! I'm free!

Days pass as I adjust to my new life, and then everyone returns to school.

I look out of the window in my room, just keeping an eye out for one person in particular.

And then he comes.

As soon as I see Ted walk through the gates to Hogwarts I leave my room and run down to the grounds. He keeps his head down as he slowly trudges up the hill, and then he looks up as he nears the top and sees me.

Completely breathless, my heart pounding, I run towards him and embrace him happily, and Ted, though surprised, swings me around in his arms.

"I'm free." I whisper in his ear as he lowers me to the ground, and he understands my meaning immediately.

"You are free?" he asks, even more quietly. I nod, and then we kiss, and thus is the start of a relationship that just goes from strength to strength for the rest of our lives.

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