Chapter Fourteen ~ Toi Et Moi

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"Hello!" I say, smiling around at everyone. "Hello Andromeda!" my Ravenclaw friend Emily Brown says, smiling at me.

"Hey Em!" I grin at her. Emily is a half blood witch but, fortunately for me, most people, including my parents and sisters, believe her to be pure blood.

"You know Ted Tonks?" Emily says, believing herself to be introducing the two of us. One look decides that Ted and I will play along.

"Nice to meet you!" he says, shaking me hand. "And you!" I say, trying to at least seem sincere and genuine, though it is unbelievably hard due to the fact that I am positively dying to laugh.

The rest of the party continues on, and Ted and I talk as much as we can without drawing attention to this fact.

I mingle with some of my fellow Slytherin's as well, for appearance's sake, and before long dinner is called.

I'm sat beside Lucius Malfoy (yay!) and Emily, so you can tell that I spend most of my meal just chatting to her.

After a delicious dinner of pork chops we have an ice cream dessert, and with that the night ends.

As Em and I decide to leave, I go over to say goodbye to Slughorn.

"Thank you sir. This evening was lovely!" I say, and Slughorn smiles at me. "Anytime Miss Black! I'll see you in Potions after the holidays!" he replies, and then I leave with Emily.

"You know, I really do see what you meant last year about not wanting to go. Tonight was fun but I simply couldn't imagine doing it every year!" she says, reminding me that this was her first ever Slug Club Christmas party.

"I know! Tonight was actually quite a good one, in comparison to others I've had! I am relieved that it's my last though!" I say, and we both laugh.

We continue just joking with each other until we reach the entrance to the Dungeons, where I say goodbye to Emily and head down to bed.

After removing my light makeup, and taking my hair down I get changed out if my pretty dress and pop on my pyjamas before curling up under my covers and falling fast asleep.

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