Chapter Five ~ Sourire

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I was right - Ted is in my History of Magic class, as well as Potions. I actually sit two seats away from him in History of Magic, and we can even talk due to the fact that Professor Binns never stops talking and is like 100 years old anyways!

I did get so much homework though - two essays and twenty questions! Bloody hell!

After my long day, I head back to the Slytherin common room, admiring the sheer beauty of it, as I always do.

Considering how much I don't like what is expected of me, I love the house that I was sorted into.

I am a Slytherin. Though sometimes when Bella or Cissy are trying to insult me they'll call me a Hufflepuff, I'm as much of a Slytherin as they are!

I love my house - the ambition, the intelligence, everything! I always feel that Slytherin is a sort of combination of all the other houses.

Slytherin's share Ravenclaw's intelligence, and thirst for knowledge.

They share Gryffindor's fearlessness, loyalty (to their own house) and desire to prove themselves.

They share Hufflepuff's family lifestyle; once you are sorted into Slytherin, you are set in your family. No bullying goes on within this house; we really are just a big massive family (also, the fact that most of us are related in one way or another supports this!).

This is why I love being a Slytherin. I sigh as I set down my heavy bag, and flop down onto one of the big black sofas, which are thankfully empty.

I complete my homework without interruptions, and as my friends are doing theirs in the library I am alone, which is nice as it helps me focus more and concentrate.

I complete my Potions essay with a flourish, and rolling up my parchment I pack all of my things away and head up to my dormitory.

I get changed into a green sweater a plain black leggings (comfort!) and then grab my favourite novel - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (did you know that she was actually a witch? No, I didn't think so!) before heading back downstairs, and grabbing a nice armchair by the fire.

I smirk to myself as I read the line 'I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.' as I just relate to this so much.

I sit until goodness knows what time just reading, enjoying this fabulous book.

There are many lines that speak to me, directly to me, throughout this book - it's part of the reason I love it so much. And despite the fact that I have read this book more times than I can count one line still surprises me as I read it this time.

'I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.'

This is a line that Elizabeth Bennett speaks after realising that she is in love with Mr Darcy, and...

I shut my book, and stand up from my armchair, glancing at the gathering of blankets laying there (I only used a couple!).

I check the time on my watch that Father gave me for my seventeenth birthday last year. 11:05 pm!

When did it get so late?!

I was so wrapped up in my book that I didn't even notice the common room clearing out, and with a rub of my eyes I have a little giggle to myself before walking up to my bed.

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