Chapter Ten ~ Entre Toi Et Moi

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We kiss passionately, lovingly.

"I don't care about my family. They don't have to know. We can be together, Teddy." I say, stroking the side of his handsome face with my soft hand.

"Andromeda, don't but yourself in danger because of me. Please don't." he begs, but I shake my head.

"If I'm being honest, I would rather live for one day with you than the rest of my life without. I haven't lived at all. My life only started when we met. Please." I say, and Ted smiles, his eyes glistening.

He pulls me in, and we share another kiss.

"Well, I don't think that I'll be getting any homework done this afternoon! Would you like to spend the afternoon with me?" Ted says, and he offers me his arm.

"Of course! But remember - no one can know. I need time to think up a plan of how this could possibly work out. But let's forget that part - I know a room where we can be totally alone, all afternoon, completely uninterrupted." I say, and Ted nods.

I lead him to the corridor that houses the Room if Requirement, a secret room that becomes whatever the seeker wishes for it to be.

Usually I just use it as a way of being alone, and spending some time with myself. Reading Muggle books. You know, the usual pure blood kinda stuff.

I focus very hard on a simple room, with a nice warm fireplace and an area to just relax, and walk past the entrance area three times.

A large door appears in the walls and Ted looks at it in shock. "What is this place?" he asks, and I laugh.

"You'll see!" I say with a cheeky wink, and with a look to my right and my left, just checking that there is nobody there, I enter the room, and indicate for Ted to follow.

We enter a nice, small, homely room, with a large warm fireplace and a big red sofa. There is a hot chocolate making area, which I just love, and a Muggle movie player, and some movies.

"Wow!" Ted murmurs as he enters, and takes it all in. The door closes behind him, and I know that it will be impossible for anyone to find us as that was part of my request.

I flop down on the sofa as Ted explores, and when he is over by the tele-thingy I begin bombarding him with questions about his Muggle life.

He answers them with patience, and then says, "Do you want to watch a movie? There are a couple of great ones here!".

"Sure!" I say, and we begin to choose, acting like a completely normal couple.

Unfortunately, that is all it is. Acting like a normal couple. Something that we are not.

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