Chapter Eleven ~ La Vie Est Belle

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"How about...this one?" Ted suggests, holding up a movie called 'West Side Story'.

"Is it any good?" I ask, having never watched a movie before. "It's not the best. How about this one? You might like it!" he says, holding up a movie with a pretty girl on the front cover called 'My Fair Lady'.

"What's it about?" I ask, and he replies, "Well, this is what the back of the cover says, 'In this beloved musical, pompous phonetics professor Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison) is so sure of his abilities that he takes it upon himself to transform a Cockney working-class girl into someone who can pass for a cultured member of high society. His subject turns out to be the lovely Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn), who agrees to speech lessons to improve her job prospects. Higgins and Eliza clash, then form an unlikely bond -- one that is threatened by an aristocratic suitor (Jeremy Brett).'. I've never watched it, so I don't know what it'll be like!".

" sounds a little strange. Anything else?" I say, and after searching for a minute or two Ted says, "Oh! I like this one; A Night To Remember! It's about the Titanic tragedy!".

"Yep! I like the sound of that one!" I say, and Ted grins and slips the movie into the movie player, and the opening credits begin.

I've always been so interested in the Titanic; the story of it has always devastated me. But I've never been able to discuss it with anyone before, because most of the people I'm allowed to be friends with don't know about it, or don't care.

Ted and I sit through the movie, and it brings me to tears more than once.

It's such a devastating story.  But it can teach you so many things. Life is beautiful.

Toujours Pur ✅ [andromeda black]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora