Chapter Fifteen ~ Tu Me Manques

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I spend Christmas day with my friends who are also spending Christmas at Hogwarts and Cissy.

Ted went home for the holidays, which means that I didn't get to spend the day with him, but it's ok.

Our Christmas Feast is delicious, and we all sit along the one table as there are so little people staying home for Christmas.

There are bowls and bowls of creamy, fluffy, light potatoes, and toasties lining the table. Little plates of carrots and broccoli sit down the middle of the table, and there are little gravy boats everywhere.

And there, in it's pride of place at the very centre of our long, rectangular table sits a magnificent turkey.

It's absolutely massive, and cooked to perfection, looking mouthwateringly delicious.

We all sit down to dinner, and Professor Dumbledore wishes us all a happy Christmas and tells us to tuck in.

I fill my plate up, just like everyone else at the table, and sit down to eat this delicious meal.

Mia and I sit chatting after we finish our meal, and everyone is just getting along and enjoying the day.

My parents didn't send me any presents - they said that Cissy and I will get ours when they see us in two days time!

I got a singing hairbrush from Mia, which made me laugh! Izzy went home for the holidays, but she did leave me a present under the tree.

She got me a full makeup set, with absolutely everything you could ever imagine in it! Brushes, sponges, eyeliners, lipliners, eyebrow pencils...need I go on?

Elsa got me a bath set with bath bubbles and creams and everything. I sent them back letters of thanks along with their presents (which I had to buy very last minute - my head has been completely fried recently!).

After my Christmas dinner I am so full that I can barely move, so I just lie down on the sofa in the Slytherin common room, which is completely empty, which is nice.

I eventually get up from my seat at about half five, and slowly trudge up to my bedroom.

I slip into my most Christmassy pyjamas and fluffy socks and grab a book before heading back downstairs.

I decide to order a hot chocolate from the kitchens (every Christmas Slughorn, the Head of Slytherin, sets up this thing that allows any Slytherin student to order anything from the kitchens when in the Slytherin common room, meaning we don't have to get up and go down to the kitchens to get things, which is great!).

A hot chocolate appears in my hand, frothy whipped cream piled on top, and lightly decorated with tiny marshmallows and a sprinkling of cocoa powder.

I take a sip of my drink and begin to re-read 'Persuasion' by Jane Austen, and eventually fall fast asleep on my chair by the roaring fire.

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